Chapter 88

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Laying back down I continue to smoke the spliff thinking why Mia has to be such a bitch to Liam. I get he hasn't got the best track record but neither does she.
What am I supposed to do with her?
Hoping it gets better and she finally forgives him for the past sooner rather than later.
I sit up hearing Liam come back upstairs.
"They've gone baby" he says walking back into the room and I get up making my way to him.
"Thank you but you didn't need to send your brother away too" I tell him feeling bad.
"They came together, they leave together plus I want you to myself again" he says and pulls me closer. Of course he does I smirk at him and walk out needing a drink. I'll deal with Mia another time.
Walking down the stairs I head to the kitchen and grab the vodka Sian left and start drinking out the bottle needing my buzz back. I stroll into the living room turning up the music and sit back on the floor billing another spliff for us.

"For you baby" I say as Liam walks into the room I hold the spliff out to him and he smiles taking it.
"I could of done that beautiful" he says and I shrug.
"It's fine, I don't mind" I tell him and he sits down infront of me.
"Shall we do something" he asks hovering over me.
"Like?" I ask him smirking knowing what he wants.
"Like fuck you in every god damn room of our home" he smirks and leans between my legs as I spread them for him.
"Are you daring me Liam Johnson" I say seductively and he kisses on my thigh then faces me.
"Unless you have more questions?" he asks and I shrug.
"I might do but I do have one that I've wanted to ask you for years" I say and he nods for me to continue.
"Why did you turn Mia down, no one turns Mia down" I ask him and he sits back looking at me.
"I've turned her down multiple times. Even after us, it's always been you baby" he tells me and I smile but then drop it.
"Wait what.. After us. When?" I ask him never knowing this
"I thought you knew, she'd always hit me up asking to meet" he tells me and my blood boils. How fucking dare she...
"That's why she hates us together then. I thought it was because of me when really all this time she's been wanting you to herself. Oh my god" I say and then sigh. She's suppose to be my best friend how could she.
"She can want me all she likes it's never ever going to happen I hate her. The ugly troll" he says and I laugh even tho I know I shouldn't.
"I can't believe her, all this fucking time I thought she was my friend" I say sadly.
"The day after I seen you at the bakery she turned up here trying to seduce me" he says heaving cringed out. I'll rip her fucking face off he's mine!
"I only let her in thinking you sent her to talk to me to warn me to stay away but turns out she wanted me.. Bad" he says
"I've always turned her down baby, even before I first seen you I told her no" he tells me and I don't know how to feel.
"Baby forget about her, let's put a smile back on your face" he says picking me up and setting me on the chair. I know exactly where this is going I smirk at him and he starts to dance slowly stripping seductively making me laugh again.
All I need is him.
"More?" he asks as he takes off his t-shirt.
"Absolutely" I say fanning myself giggling.
Pulling his trousers down wiggling I can't help but laugh more, he's never been bothered about making a fool of himself for me. Anything to make me feel better. Smile.
He gets on his in knees and crawls to me
"Better?" he asks looking me in the eyes. I smile happily and nod.
"Always baby, thankyou" I say grinning at him.
"So beautiful when you smile baby" he tells me and I blush a little.
"You always make me smile" I tell him and suddenly the door starts banging.
I jump and stand up and look to Liam who looks a little panicky. Fuck who will it be. He quickly pulls on his t-shirt and I hold up my finger to him and go check.
"It's the police" I whisper and his face drops. What the fuck do they want?
Oh my god there gonna take him away from me. No no no!
"Stay here, I'll get rid" I tell him.
Taking a deep breath I push Liam back into the living room and close the door.
Opening the front door I look at the two officers and smile.
"Can I help you?" I say politely.
"We're here for Liam Johnson, is he here miss" one of them says and I blink looking up at him.
"No sorry, I'm just looking after his house" I say and they look me over.
"We just want to talk to him, we have reason to believe he's in here" the other officer speaks and I look at him..
"I had a little gathering but Liam didn't come like he said so its just me now cleaning up, was there anything else I can help you with?" I say ready to close the door.
"You have no reason to lie to us, it's really important that we talk to Liam" the first one says and I nod.
"Officers, what you doing at my house" I hear Liam from behind them and freeze. What the fuck is he doing?
"We have some inquiries that we need to speak with you about" the officer says walking towards him but I watch Liam step back. Please don't take him.
"Talk then, what the fuck you stepping towards me for" Liam says getting a little irate. He's just making it worse. Fuck!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now