Quick Announcement

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Before anything, as many may know there are many variations of stories throughout Greek mythology. Although I will try my best to keep the stories/characters similar, this story is not meant to be an accurate representation of them. 

This is a story of my creation that will have various Greek mythology characters already known and some of their stories/personalities might be changed or be created to help build the plot. That is all. 


I'm so excited to share the story with you all that I'm considering posting the chapters as I write them, rather than once the story is complete. 

Thank you all so much for the support! I still can't fathom how more than a thousand of you are following me just from a small snippet of the story. I will keep posting snippets on my tiktok and will update you all on whether I decide to post the story as I go after all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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