~ Mera Humsafar ~

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~ Chapter - 1 ~

She was driving the car furiously to reach the Basu Publications Office to meet Anurag. She never thought her life would change so drastically before six months, she married a man who is ruthless, arrogant, and cruel who destroys other's world just for his satisfaction and she agreed to marry him just to protect the love of her life, but now when she started to understand the man who is her husband who has hidden behind a mask of arrogance and ruthlessness to protect himself and his family from his enemies and has a golden heart she can't help herself but admire him, respect him and most of all to fall in love with him even though she knows her feelings will not be reciprocated ever.

The first sign that made her realize that she is gaining a soft spot in her heart for her husband Mr. Bajaj was when she saw how he loved his daughter Sneha, he may be ruthless to the world but for his daughter, he is nothing but a loving and caring father who places the world under his daughter's feet the moment she asked. Then slowly she started to understand him because he never crossed his limits or excised his rights of being her husband, he gave her space, he gave her and her family respect which was not the case with Basus who always found a way to humiliate them. Slowly she started to excise her wife rights on him even without realizing yet he accepted that without a fuss yet he stayed aloof, cold, and indifferent towards her which is hurting her, and now when she came to know about the reason he wanted to destroy Basus, made her heart writhe in agony. She or anyone can never understand from what type of agony her husband was suffering from or how much hurt, loneliness, pain, hate, and anger he was carrying in his heart and the sole reason was Basu Family which made him travel down the path of revenge.

She came out of her thoughts as the car was stopped in front of the office and she entered inside the building at a fast pace as she didn't want to delay this matter anymore and walked towards Anurag's office and opened the door with a bang which startled Anurag and Nivedita who is with her brother to discuss business.

"I want to talk to you alone, NOW, " Prerana stated firmly which made the both of them frown in surprise and shock "See here Prerana, you don't have any right to barge like this into our office and demand to speak with my brother alone anymore," Nivedita said with distaste and hate in her voice which Prerana ignored totally as she was royally pissed about Nivedita is talking to her as Prerana realized what type of Love she has for Anurag which cost her, her self-respect.

"I'm not here to argue with you or anyone else in your family Mrs. Sengupta, I'm here because I wanted to clear few things with your brother alone, so leave now and this is not your office any more than my husband as such I have equal rights being his wife, " Prerana said firmly which made Basu siblings shock and surprise as they are witnessing a new shade of hers.

"Di leave, I would like to know what Prerana wants to talk and I will be fine and I'm not a kid for you shadow me, I will call if I need you," Anurag said sensing the determination in Prerana' s voice while Nivedita went out stomping her foot hard on the ground to show her annoyance and once she left Prerana turned towards Anurag.

"So what do you want me to talk about Prerana? Are you here to tell me that you have realized what a mistake it was to marry that man and you are ready to come back to me," Anurag asked and Prerana shook her head thinking how mad was she not see how crazy or Obsessive Anurag's love is because even after telling him numerous times that she will never back and now she is a married woman and a mother.

"First it is Mrs. Bajaj to you, Mr. Basu, the man you are talking about is my husband so mind your words and actions against him and I am here to tell you why my husband is hell-bent to get revenge from you and your family," Prerana said leaving Anurag shocked and he felt his blood boil in ager and jealous listening to husband from her mouth and how she was defending him and he felt indifference of knowing Bajaj wanted revenge from him and his family.

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