Chapter 90

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Waking up feeling anxious to meet Liam's mum is an understatement.
I stretch my body and pull the covers back wanting a shower and make my way to the bathroom wondering where Liam is?
"Your finally up?" Liam says from in the shower and I yawn stretching again.
"Yeah how long you been awake?" I ask him stripping from my clothes and stepping into to him.
"Just now, couldn't sleep. How you feeling today?" he asks me and I smile.
"Good I guess just a little nervous about meeting your mum" I tell him and he runs his wet hands over me massaging my shoulders to relax me.
"She's going to love you like I do baby don't worry, Ive already told you. And nothing in this world can change how I feel about you. Mum or not" he tells me and I smile wide.
"Thank you baby nothing will change my feelings either I love you so much" I tell him and kiss him under the water.

After letting Liam run his soapy hands all over me he left me to wash my hair while he got out.
Stepping out the shower I wrap a towel around my hair and body and make my way back to the bedroom.
Sitting down on the floor I apply a lip gloss and blusher not wanting to go overboard and blow dry my hair. Deciding to have my hair different I straighten it and flip my bangs over. Done.
Looking through the closet I need to find something nice and sophisticated not showing to much. I don't want his mum to think wrong off me on first impressions. I pull out my navy jumper and blue jeans. Pull on white lingerie I put everything on and look for my shoes.
Spraying my perfume I look myself over and put in my earrings.

Perfect I thought

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Perfect I thought.. Well I hope so. Grabbing my bag I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where I can hear Liam.
"Wow baby, I don't wanna leave now" he says turning around looking me over. I do a little twirl giggling and he pulls me to him.
"You don't look so bad yourself" I tell him as I look him over.
"Thanks baby, now breakfast time" he says and my stomach rolls.
"I don't think I can eat. I'm too nervous" I tell him and he chuckles.
"Just eat what you can please, you don't need to be nervous beautiful" he says and kisses me. Placing the plates on the table I look at it and think I should try if he is to.
I look at the waffles and fruit salad he's made and pick up my fork.
"I'll probably eat just the fruit. Thank you for making breakfast tho baby" I tell him and he nods taking my waffles and putting them onto his plate and drowning them in syrup. Still hasn't changed I though watching him smiling.

After finishing my fruit I put the dishes into the dishwasher I didn't know he had and wash my hands, quickly drying them.
"We'll smoke a spliff and then leave I think you're gonna need it" he says then laughs.
"Dont laugh, I've never done this before" I whine and hit him playfully making him laugh more..
"Your gonna be fine, you look sexy as hell so who cares, I love you that's all that matters" he says with a shrug like it's that simple.
I watch him bill up quick time and pass me one of them to spark while he sparks his and I relax back needing the high to kick in quicker to calm my anxiety.

"Let's go beautiful, you've had enough time now" he says chuckling looking at his watch.
"Ok, I'm ready let's do this" I say and stand grabbing my bag and follow Liam to the door.
Climbing into the car Liam closes my door and I start to feel anxious again. Liam jumps in and starts the engine.
"Ready baby?" he asks me rubbing my thigh and I nod not finding my voice and he switches on the music to chill me knowing that it helps.
"Just relax baby, seriously she's a laid back person, what do you think she's going to do?" he says and laughs..
"I have no idea but if she knows about me she might already hate me for the past and your broken heart like Jason already does" I tell him and he sighs.
"He doesn't hate you. He hasn't gotten to know you yet baby that's all. Don't worry she's not like Jason she knows I broke your heart not the other way around. She'll be happy to see you.. Happy for us" he says turning the corner glancing at me as he drives and keeps touching me making sure I'm good.

Coming to a stop my heart begins to beat faster in my chest and I look over at Liam.
"We're here baby, just relax OK" he says and I nod looking into the mirror looking at myself. I hope she thinks I'm good enough for her son..
Liam climbs out with a smile and jogs around to open my door and I grab my bag climbing out holding his hand.
Linking fingers he locks the car and leads me into a garden up the path and pulls out his keys unlocking the door.
"Mum, it's me. I've bought someone to see you" Liam calls out.
"I'm in here son, come through show me who it is?" she says and I take a deep breath and follow Liam into the living room.
"Stacey? Is that you" she asks and I move from behind Liam looking at her.
"Yeah.. Hi" I say shyly smiling at her.
"I can't believe it's really you. After all there's years" she says and I blush squeezing Liam's hand.
"Aww my baby's got his queen back" she says and Liam rubs his hand over his face embarrassed clearly blushing.
"Do you have to mum" Liam says walking up to her giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
"I'm just happy for you baby, I can't believe it, come in and sit down sweetheart" she says to me and I do as I'm told awkwardly on the edge of the sofa looking around the room.
Seeing photos of Liam as a baby and then a child makes me smile how have I never noticed these from before?

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