Chapter 91 Liam's POV

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"Just relax baby, I told you she'd love you" I tell her and sit down next to her looking my mum over she looks a little better thank God but I know not to get my hopes up.
"Soo mum.. How you been?" I ask her and she smiles.
"Good son. Don't worry about me, tell me about you two" she says smiling at Stacey and it makes me ecstatic that she's welcoming and still likes her.
"We're back together like you know and she's moved in" I say not being able to contain my smile.
"Has she seen your folder?" she asks me and I nod happily.
"Yeah I showed her not long ago" I tell her
"And I see she's wearing the ring?" she says raising a brow at me.
Looking at Stacey who's watching the ring and playing with it I smile. How could I forget about that.
"She hasn't taken it off since seeing it" I say and smile at it hoping she never does.
Lookimg around me I hear the front door open and look at my mum.
"Jason son, he's moved back in, your not my only boy" she says smiling when he walks into the room.
"Brother, I didn't know you was coming" he says and looks to Stacey then back at me.
"Was letting mum finally meet Stacey, but as your here I do need to talk to you" I tell him and he raises his brows questioning?
"You boys go talk, Stacey can keep me company" my mum says to us and I look to Stacey who nods and smiles at me.
"OK mum, and she smokes by the way, just chill baby I'll be back soon I love you" I tell her and kiss her lingering a little longer. Smiling I get up to follow Jason.
"I love you too baby" Stacey tells me making my heart beat quicker whenever I hear it.
Walking out into the back garden Jason pulls out a spliff and sparks it looking at me.
"Sorry about lastnight brother. I don't know what got into Mia. But she definitely doesn't like you" he tells me and laughs. Good that was the goal. Maybe she'll leave me the fuck alone now.
"It's OK bro it's not about that, police showed up at mine lastnight" I tell him and he looks at me surprised.
"They apparently have a witness for M and I told them I was with you" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"That's fine I know the score" he says and passes the spliff. Taking long drags for what I'm about to say next. He ain't gonna like it.
"You need to stay away from Mia. She's no good for you" I tell him being serious but he sighs.
"I already know this brother, please don't but into mine and I won't but into yours" he says and shrugs.
What the fuck does that mean?
"Stacey is not Mia" I warn him and he shrugs again.
"Like I said stay out of it" he says and I sigh thinking whatever.
"I'm just looking out for you. Don't be a dick and Mia wants me that's why she's hanging around you bro" I warn him feeling like a dick because I know he likes her.
"She's mine.. You have yours" he stresses and storms off back inside slamming the door behind him.
"Fuck sake man" I shout kicking the plant pot. I've hurt his feeling, I totally went the wrong way around it knowing how sensitive he is. Fuck!
The door opens and Stacey steps out looking at me.
"Jason's a dick" she says and I sigh thinking what now.
"What did he do?" I ask her
"He said we need to stay out of his business.. I didn't even do anything for fuck sake" she says taking the spliff.
"He's just pissed off with me baby, don't worry I told him about Mia but he's having none of it. So like you said we'll wait for the crash and burn" I tell her shrugging. I tried.

Sitting back in the living room Jason's nowhere to be seen and my mum looks at me unimpressed. Fuck sake.
"Don't start mum" I tell her and she sighs.
"He's a sensitive boy Liam, don't be so cruel" she says to me and I roll my eyes.
"He needed to know what he's doing is going to fuck him up mum. The girls a slag" I say and my mum cringes at the word.
"Don't say things like that about girls Liam I've told you this" she stresses.
"Your never to big for a slap Liam" she adds and I roll my eyes. You'll have to catch me first mummy dearest..
"I went about it the wrong way. My bad.. At least he knows now" I say shruggimg and sitting back down. Finishing the spliff I feel to just go home with my baby and be alone. Today's already shit..
"I know you Liam.. Jason's not like you son" she says sighing and getting up slowly.
"Where you going? What do you need?" I ask her jumping up to help.
"I need to go pee boy. You wanna hold my hand?" she says and I chuckle leaving her to go.
"She loves me anyways" Stacey says when my mum leaves the room.
"I told you she would baby you had nothing to worry about your amazingly perfect and all mine" I tell her kissing her passionately pulling her head towards me for more.. I can never get enough of her.
"We're in your mums Liam" she says pulling back chuckling.
"Nothing we haven't done here before baby" I tease and she blushes..
"So sexy you know that" I tell her feeling my dick grow. Fuck!
She looks at me and down at my dick and bites her lip.
"I remember coming here when we were ment to be in school and your mum would be at work" she tells me and I see flashes of it in my mind, pulling her up the stairs to my bedroom pinning her against my door and kissing her. Fuck I wanna do that now.

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