Part 9

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Techno looked down into frightened eyes of a small Enderman child.

"Who - who are you?" Ranboo stuttered, puffing up his chest and standing on his toes to make himself look slightly more intimidating.

"A Brute of The Bastion Legion." Techno answered.

Ranboo shrank back at the immidiate response, Techno's sharp-looking tusks glinted in the dim glow.

The Enderman child shifted about nervously, never having had an encounter with a stranger before.

"I mean what are you?" Ranboo whispered in a quiet tone.

"Have you never seen one of me before?" Techno chuckled. Ranboo violently shook his head.

"I am from far, far away. I guess that your folk only stick to the Warped Forest."

"No no." Ranboo replied, "We go all over the place. I have just travelled from home, where the trees are tall, there are little creatures in shells, and massive tall black pillars. But I also have been to the Overworld"

The Overworld. Techno hadn't thought much about that, with it's strange skies and falling water, nothing much ever had been talked about it when he was young. No Piglin had gone there and come back... but Techno didn't want to go back to his Legion.

An idea started forming in his mind.

Somehow, although impossible, if Techno could get across into the Overworld he would never have to worry about running for his entire life, he could live in peace, not have to think about angering his God. Was there even a God in the overworld? If so it definitley wasn't the Blood God, as that was holy and true, only staying loyal to the Nether.

So if there wasn't a God, he wouldn't have angered anyone. But was there a God in the Nether anyway? It hadn't punished him for training with Hariric, or killing the Ghast soldiers, or for deserting his Legion. 

Techno didn't know what was real and what was not anymore.

"You didn't tell me your name" Ranboo pulled him up from his deep thoughts.

"Techno, and The Blade, and many other names."

"Can I call you Technoblade?" Ranboo suggested.

Yes. A very fitting name.

"I have an idea Ranboo. I need some help, and I think you can be the one to help me."

"I have done a very bad thing. I was supposed to be sacrificed and I escaped, because I value my own life. I have been travelling a long time throughout the Nether.  If I stop, a Piglin will find me and I will be publicly executed. I need to find a way out, but in the Nether nowhere is safe for me. So you need to get me to the Overworld. You need to teleport there with me, so I can escape."

As Techno told his plan, Ranboo shifted his feet and twisted his hands together, not liking the sound of the plan at all.

"I'm not sure about that Mr. Technoblade. I don't think it sounds very safe, but as I do sound like your last hope, I need something valuable in payment as it is going to be a dangerous journey and it could end up with both of us dead." 

Ranboo had heard of trades before, and new that to get somewhere you needed to pay someone for it. But he didn't really no where he was going to go, or even what he was going to do.

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