Chapter 95

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Waking up to banging on the door and an empty bed wasn't what I expected.
"Where is she?" I hear Mia stress.
"She's sleeping keep your fucking voice down" Liam says back to her.
"Have you told her everything about us?" I hear Mia say and I slowly creep out the bed and to the top of the stairs to listen.
"She knows everything now yes. And there is no us Mia" Liam says sounding disgusted.
"Why would you want her instead of me Liam it makes no sense. I'm really what you need not her" I hear my so-called best friend say. What the actual fuck. Is she stupid.
"Your disgusting Mia. She's your best friend and your coming onto me again what's wrong with you" Liam says and I smile.
I step down a little to see them and watch as she puts her hand on his chest and he smacks it away.
"She's frigid as fuck you need me" she says
"Don't fucking touch me Mia." Liam exclaims and I come running down the stairs. I grab Mia's hair with my left hand and punch her with my right straight to her face over and over and drop her to the floor.
"How fucking could you, your supposed to be my best friend Mia. Your a fucking slut!" I yell and kick her in the stomach over and over suddenly Liam grabs me and lifts me away.
"Leave, Now!" Liam shouts at her as I try kick at her and get back to beating her down.
"I hate you" I scream at her and she runs out the door.
"Baby, calm down" Liam says calmly holding me still. Why would she try it with him, here when I'm upstairs. Of all the people I never thought she'd do me like that.
"Let go off me Liam" I tell him not wanting to get angry with him. He let's go of me and I storm off into the kitchen grabbing the rum and necking it down. I don't care for the time I need it. I'm so fucking angry.
"She really did put her hand on your chest like she knew where to touch you" I say and liam sighs.
"She always trys that with me. I hate it when she touches me gives me chills just thinking about it" he says and I shake my head.
"Do you wanna fuck Mia?" I ask him blankly and he raises a brow at me.
"Don't be fucking stupid Stacey I want you and you only" he tells me and I sigh dropping to the floor and start to cry.
"Why is everyone set against us Liam. All I want is to love you and be with you but everyone's making it hard as fuck. Am I frigid? Do you think that too?" I ask him through all my tears.
"Baby I don't care about anyone's opinion but yours, your all that matters to me, and she's just a slut like you said. And no your not frigid, your just mine" he says and I cry thinking I'm not good enough for him.
"Baby please don't over think this, you've always been to good for me. And that's OK" he says and I shake my head.
"Maybe you need someone like her not me" I say thinking of Mia and becoming angry.
"I need you, want you" he says crouching down to me.
"Please don't let her ruin this.. Us. I can't go without you again, because if I do I might as well be in prison or dead" he says and I look up at him through my teary eyes and he wipes them away.
"Why is she doing this to me?" I ask not knowing what I did wrong to her.
"She's just jealous because you've always had what she wants I'm totally yours always have and always will be" he says and I give him a small smile.. Feeling like the world is against our relationship I drink more from the bottle and hit the back of my head off the cupboard door.
"Stop that now! I will not let anyone get between us. I'll sort this today" he says in that cold tone I hate.
"Liam no, you can't" I say but my words falter.
"There is no can't when your acting and feeling like this. I won't allow anyone to make you feel this way baby I love you to much for this" he says gesturing to me with the bottle.
"It makes me feel better" I tell him and drink more before he snatches it from me and slams it down on the side above me.
"Enough!" he says getting angry and standing he paces and punches the kitchen door in totally destroying it.
"Baby no!" I cry getting up to fast and sway. Whao
"Your not listening to me. I don't want anyone but you, its always going to be you. Not Mia.. Not Savanna not anybody just you" he yells and I start to see the look in his eye that scares me so I step back.
"Liam.. Liam" I yell trying to bring him back to me. Fuck!
"I'm fine" he says and punches the door one last time. I look at his hand and see the blood trickling down it and dropping onto the floor. My baby what did I do?
"I need to get this out. Someone is getting it today" he tells me with a glint of amusement. Noo!
"You can't.. You need to deal with your friend. And I don't want you to do something you'll regret" I tell him and he shrugs walking off into the living room.
Following him to make sure he doesn't destroy our home completely he sits on the sofa clenching his fist and I take a deep breath walking over to him and straddle him. Holding his face in my hands I look into his darken eyes and kiss him.
I feel him instantly relax and wrap his arms around me.
"Come back to me baby" I tell him and he sighs.
"I'm here, I'm sorry I scared you" he says looking sad and I kiss him again.
"I know I can calm you down it's just getting to you without you hurting me" I say and look away.
"What do you mean hurt you? I'd never hurt you Stacey, do you really think I would" he asks me and I see a tear fall. Shit.
"Baby no I don't, but when you get like that you lose control and don't know what your doing half of the time. I don't want to be scared but I can't help it. You have this look in your eye that frightens me" I tell him and he puts his head down.
"You calm me baby, with one look or a touch and I'm me again. I'd never hurt you I couldn't" he says and I lift his face up to me and wipe away the falling tears.
"I'm sorry I got you like this. I wasn't thinking" I tell him feeling my own tears fall.
"Stop being sorry for something you haven't done, you didn't do this. Mia did" he says and I start to feel my blood boil again at her name. If he doesn't kill her I think I will.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now