Chapter 96

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One month later

Walking out the bakery I see Liam parked up waiting for me. Climbing out he jogs around to me and wraps his arms around me.
"I missed you baby" he says and I laugh.
"I missed you too, what you been doing?" I ask him looking him over he has paint on him and seems excited about something.
"I have something to show you, get in" he says kissing me and opening my door. Ok?
Climbing in I wonder what he's up to and why he's grinning at me.
"I hope you like your surprise beautiful" he says pulling off and I wonder where we're going?

Arriving back at home he opens my door for me and I step out feeling his anxiousness suddenly.
"Liam what's happening?" I ask him wondering where he's taking me. Unlocking the door he leads me in and takes my bag.
"Close your eyes baby" he says and I look at him like really?
"Please baby, for me" he says and I sigh closing them and he walks me up the stairs and down the hallway.
Hearing a door slowly open he leads me in and spins me to face him.
"Are you ready to see your surprise?" he asks me and I nod my head getting excited and he turns me back to face the room I presume.
"Open your eyes baby" he tells me and I do so blinking a few times.
"Oh my god.. You did all this for me baby? Thank you, thank you" I say looking around the room.

"You deserve it beautiful, now you have somewhere to do you and to be honest your makeup a d clothes was driving me insane left on the floor" he says making me laugh

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"You deserve it beautiful, now you have somewhere to do you and to be honest your makeup a d clothes was driving me insane left on the floor" he says making me laugh.
"I love you so much baby, thank you, it means so much that you did all this for me and set everything up exactly how I would of.. You know me soo well" I tell him getting emotional.
"I love you too, and anything to see that smile on my queens face" he tells me and a tear slips out. He wipes it away and looks at me furrowed brows.
"Why are you crying baby? Do you not like it.. Its OK if you don't, just let me know so I can make it better" he says and I hug him tight.
"I love it baby, I love you for doing it. No one's ever done anything like this for me before.. I love it so much" I tell him and he wipes my tears.
"I'll give you the world if I could baby, you mean everything to me. I want to make you happy for as long as I live" he says and I sniffle feeling more emotional at his words.
"You do make me happy, just being with you is more than I ever wanted just having you in my arms is enough baby" I tell him kissing him passionately.

After pulling myself together Liam left me to explore and see where everything was and to move whatever I wanted. Yet he'd done a perfect job as it is.
I got undressed and took a quick shower and sit at the vanity looking in the mirror.
I can't believe he did all this for me and all in one day. He must of had some kind of help surely.. I have a lot of stuff. And the building of cabinets and placements of the storage is perfectly done. I love it.
I pull out some boyshorts and a croptop and brush out my hair looking at myself I think I'll be living in here.

Making my way into the kitchen I smell something delicious and wonder what he's cooking.
"Dinners nearly done, I've built you a spliff aswell, so go sit down baby put your feet up" he tells me and kisses me turning back to the cooker.
"Thanks baby, you didn't have to" I tell him wrapping my arms around the back of him and kissing his back.
"Can't I cook my queen some dinner after a long day at work?" he asks turning in my arms and hugging me to him.
"Absolutely, but I could of cooked after you did my room for me" I say and he just shrugs.
"I wanted to do this for you, everything's working out and I wanted to show you how much you have a place here with me" he tells me making me smile.
"Now go sit down and smoke your spliff beautiful" he says ushering me out the kitchen.

"Dinner is served, come baby" he says walking into me as I put out the spliff.
"Smells so good, I'm starving" I tell him getting up and walking into the kitchen. I look at what he's done and smile wide.
The tables set up and he's set out our plates already so I literally have to do nothing. He grabs wine from the fridge and starts to pour us some.
Handing me a glass as he sits down next to me he holds it up to me.
"To us baby and our future" he says and I recite his words clinking glasses I take a drink and it's great wine. He chose good..
Looking at my dinner I see he's made all my favourite things set out infront of me on a platter and I look at him.
"You've really gone all out baby" I tell him and wonder what he's up to.
"Can I not spoil you once in awhile beautiful" he says and I nod smiling happy to be here with him.
"You can do whatever you want" I tell him and he winks at me.
"Tuck in baby, let me know what you think" he tells me and I start to grab the pulled pork with corn on the cob first and devour it hungrily.

"That was amazing.. I loved everything but if I eat anymore I'm gonna pop" I say chuckling and holding my stomach.
"Your welcome baby, I'm glad you liked everything. You ate more than I thought you would so I'm happy with that" he says eating a chicken wing.
Taking out tubaware I pack the left over food and place it into the already full fridge and fill up our glasses with the rest of the wine.
"I really enjoyed this baby, thank you" I tell him appreciative of everything.
"Your more than welcome beautiful, now for dessert" he says wiping his hands on a napkin licking his lips at me. I see where this is going..

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