Chapter 98

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Waking up to Liam and feeling like this could be my last day with him makes me sad and depressed. What if he gets caught or worse ends up fucking dead because of a job somebody else can do. I don't like this at all but what can I even do about it. He's not budging on this.
"Morning beautiful" he says pulling me in close and kissing me.
"Morning baby" I say to him with a small smile trying to be as normal as possible when all I want to do is run away and cry.
"Don't overthink the day baby, just go with it OK. I'll be seeing you later, I have a good feeling about today" he says and I frown at him.
"There's nothing good happening today. Anything could happen to you and I won't even know" I tell him and he sighs rolling onto his back.
"I can't argue with you anymore about this. It's happening whether any of us likes it or not baby so you need to accept it please" he tells me and I sigh. This is not how I wanted to spend the morning with him.
"I'm just worried that's all. I'm sorry" I tell him and roll on top of him.
"I know you are beautiful but there's no need, positivity baby" he says and I nod and give him another smile. I just feel like crying.
I kiss him feeling like this is the last time I'll have him under me and like this. For how ever long if ever again..
No Stacey don't think like that I scold myself.
"I can see the cogs churning in your head baby, what's on your mind?" he asks and I look down on him and kiss him long and affectionately putting all my love into the kiss and it turns hot and next thing I know he's rolling and on top of me.
"Tell me what your thinking about" he demands and I sigh again.
"That this could be the last time we're together like this and I need to make the most of it" I tell him honestly and he kisses me again working his way to my neck and down my chest.
"I'll find a way back to you baby, we'll always have these moments aswell, don't worry so much. Just be in the now" he tells me and I nod. He's right.. I'm spending what could be my last moments with him sulking and being a bitch about it.
"I hope you do because it will only ever be you Liam, I promise I'll never take it off" I tell him holding up my hand with the ring and he kisses it
"I hope you don't but I'll understand if you do, I can't expect you to wait for me. You have your own life to live, but let's not talk about that, I want my breakfast" he says and slowly starts to kiss and suck his way down to my shorts pulling them down my legs and throwing them to the floor.

After being devoured whole we had a shower and I returned the pleasurable favour and we got out after awhile and now we're currently eating breakfast sat in the kitchen.
"These pancakes are amazing baby" Liam tells me and I smile at him happy that he's enjoying them knowing he loves them.
"Your welcome, when are you leaving because I have work soon and I need to get my car back from Mia. I was hoping you'd take me I left it there months ago and just haven't gone to collect it not arsed to be honest" I tell him and he looks at me confused.
"You can drive? And you have a car.. Since when? He asks me surprised.
"Since my birthday my dad got me a golf but I don't really like driving so I just catch Ubers everywhere. But now me and Mia aren't friends I want my fucking car back" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"We can go grab it after this if you like have you got the keys?" he asks and I nod.
"Yeah it's just parked outside her apartment" I tell him
"OK we'll go get it baby" he says with a smile and continues to eat his breakfast.

"You ready to go?" Liam asks me walking into my dressing room and I just finish applying lip gloss.
"Ready now" I tell him grabbing my purse and walking over to him.
"You look beautiful by the way" he compliments me and I twirl laughing.
"Thanks baby" I tell him and walk down the stairs with him and out the door.
I hope my cars OK.

Pulling up outside Mia's I see my car still sitting there and I sigh with relief that it looks OK. We stopped off for petrol and I wait for Liam to finish filling it for me before I get out to say our goodbyes.
He waves me over and I throw him the keys to start it up for me making sure everythings OK before he leave and he nods letting me know its good.
He climbs back out and looks at me sadly that we're about to part ways and I begin to feel sad.
He wraps his arms around me and I hug him back tightly.
"I don't want you to go" I tell him and he nods understanding my worry.
"I know baby but I have to and you have work soon." he says and I shrug not caring.
Works the last thing on my mind today.
"I don't care about that" I tell him and he chuckles.
"Your gonna need it to keep you busy" he tells me and I look at him unimpressed by his humor.
"I love you Stacey, always remember that baby" he tells me and I begin to cry.
"I love you baby so much" I tell him and he squeezes me tighter.
"I'll see you soon" he says and I nod hoping he's right.
"Yeah you better" I tell him making him laugh. He kisses me like it's the last time he ever will and I can't help the tears that flow down my face as I kiss him back.
"Don't cry baby, just go to work and have a good day. Don't worry so much I'll be OK" he tells me and I nod sadly.
"I'll try, be safe please" I tell him kissing him one last time before we pull apart.
He opens my car door for me and I climb in kissing him again and he shuts my door for me. Starting my engine I watch as he steps out of the way and the tears start to fall full force. I pull out and watch him in my rear veiw mirror blurry eyed getting smaller and I start to leave him behind.
Please god let him come back to me.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now