The camp was buzzing with activity. Some warriors were chatting about patrols, and borders, while others were conversing on clan drama. Waterkit could see Grasspaw and Oakpaw sharing a sparrow together, sharing tongues. Waterkit couldn't wait to be an apprentice, it would be so soon!
"ShadowClan really has the audacity to mark their scent on our territory." A light grey tom meowed, his voice laced in bitterness. Waterkit knew of this cat.
His name was Webtooth, a fine warrior with a big personality. The warrior had broad shoulders and a thick pelt. Although he was ruthless on the battlefield, he had a heart for his clan mates.
Waterkit's attention then shifted over to Clovernose. She was a fierce cat. She lost half of her vision to a RiverClan cat. Cowpatch overshared everything. With a purr, Waterkit looked down at the small mouse between his dark grey paws. Shadestar had gotten it for him not long ago. He wasn't hungry, but he needed to eat it anyways! Badger always wanted him to eat his prey.
You must eat the prey the clan provides. Just remember, when leaf-bare comes, you won't have the satisfaction of a full belly.
Pawing at the mouse, he scrunched up his nose. He'd honestly rather have a squirrel...but a mouse was fine. As he pawed at it more, he noticed how floppy its limbs were. It was so funny! Poking at it again, he burst out into tiny squeaks of laughter. Waterkit then grasped the mouse between his jaws, and threw it up into the air. Another series of giggles escaped his chest.
"Waterkit! Stop playing with your prey!" His mother's voice rang out. Waterkit jumped, shocked. Looking up, he felt a small sense of dread as Badger padded over to him. "You know that you shouldn't play with your prey! Thank StarClan for it." She scolded softly, cuffing her son softly over the ears. Letting out a huff, Waterkit nodded, and pulled the mouse closer to himself.
As Badger padded away, Waterkit then took a bite out of the mouse. The grey tom cat quickly finished off his mouse, and then looked around. What else could he do?
Huffing, the tom slumped down onto the ground, and rolled onto his back. Cowpatch and Houndtail were sleeping in the elder's den...Grasspaw and Oakpaw were already busy chatting..and his father was out on a border patrol! As he stared around the camp, he heard a loud yowl from the entrance of camp.
Shadestar, Tawnyleap, and Scorchpelt barged into the camp.
Letting out loud, furious hisses, Scorchpelt limped towards the medicine den, his flank heavily bleeding. Heathertail was quick to enter the clearing all prepared. She ushered the ginger tom back to the others. The clan began to gather around the three cats.
Waterkit's eyes widened. What had happened?!
His father had a nasty shoulder wound, and lots of different claw and tooth marks that scattered along his dark grey pelt.
"What in StarClan's name happened?" A grey and white patched molly exclaimed, her voice laced in horror.
"We fought a ShadowClan patrol led by Snakeeyes." Shadestar announced, gritting his teeth as Heathertail began to apply a poultice onto his wounds. "They were marking their borders on our territory like they've been doing for the past moon. They're even worse than RiverClan with Sunningrocks." He growled, his lips curling back into a snarl.
"Adderstar needs to call off his warriors!" Webtooth snarled, unsheathing his claws with a low growl.
Clovernose turned to the tom, "It's no use. He has his head in the clouds." She meowed, sitting down.
Waterkit trotted over to Shadestar, pushing past his clan mates. "Father-? What's happening?" He asked softly, his blue eyes widening.
Shadestar stared down at his son. "ShadowClan is just being a nuisance— argh!" He meowed, wincing as Heathertail tended more of his wounds.
Waterstar's Heart
Fanfiction"Listen to me, Waterstar. Just this once." "Two sisters will be born. One sister will rise, and one will fall, and leave an eternal blaze." How did ThunderClan's leader, Waterstar, go from a wise, respectful tom, to an anger ridden StarClan cat? Wat...