Chapter 100

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After an awkward nights sleep I finally decided to just get up and shower trying not to wake Liam as I creep around and make my way into my dressing room in my towel. I look through my clothes and just pull out white jeans and one of Liam's t-shirts from the drawer and my white airforce trainers.
Pulling on underwear I get dressed and sit at my vanity looking in the mirror at my tear stained face. I cried so hard in the shower thinking of what he went through yesterday and how he could of died aswell along with the others but I pulled myself together because he actually made it home to me and now we're on our way to have dinner with his mum at her house as she wants to see us again. Jason will be there which I'm not looking forward to seeing him from the last time but what can I do he's Liam's brother.
Brushing my hair I pull it into a ponytail and sort my edges quickly and not bother with makeup as I'll probably just cry and ruin it anyways.
"Your ready already baby" Liam says standing by the door watching me.
"I couldn't sleep scared of hurting you so I just got up and left you to sleep you looked content baby" I tell him turning off the lights and walking over to him.
"You still want to go to your mums?" I ask him as we walk down the stairs
"Yeah I need to see her baby she's not feeling to good" he says and I nod feeling sorry for her. She's going through a shit battle.
"Ok then, do you need my help getting ready?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"If you help me we won't be leaving the house" he says pulling me close.
"Still the same Liam, good to know" I say chuckling and he kisses me.
"Always with you baby" he says slapping my ass. Yep same Liam. I thought smiling to myself.

After having breakfast and waiting for Liam to get ready I smoked a spliff and now I'm just waiting for him to come back down.
"You ready baby?" he calls from the door and I get up grabbing my bag.
"Yeah let's go" I tell him as he opens the door. Locking up behind me we make our way to my car and I jump in waiting for Liam to get in so we can get today over with.
"I'm not looking forward to seeing Jason" I tell him sighing and he just laughs.
"I think he feels the same way" he tells me still laughing. Great..
"It's OK, today's about my mum not him beautiful" he tells me and I nod agreeing pulling out and making our way over there.
"You look so sexy behind the wheel baby" he tells me making me smile blushing a little.
"I know what you mean, I enjoy watching you drive" I glance at him seeing him staring at me.

Feeling like we're being followed I pull into a florist wanting to get Angela some flowers we both get out and walk hand in hand then we're suddenly surrounded by armed police. I freeze squeezing Liam's hand and he looks at me.
"Liam Johnson, get on the floor now!" They call out and he let's go off my hand holding his up turning to them.
"I'm soo sorry baby I love you, don't do anything stupid" he says to me and I don't know what to do..
"Get down on the floor, this is your last warning!" they call out again closing in on him guns raised.
"Alright, alright. Chill the fuck out" Liam says and I begin to cry. This can't be happening. I watch Liam struggle to get down when two officers dive on him.
"Noo! Don't touch him" I scream at them crying.
As I watch them slam him to the floor I back away screaming.
They forcefully pin his arms behind his back and Liam groans out in pain and I cry more hearing him. What are they doing?
"Don't fucking move!" one of the officers tells him and Liam struggles against them and I start to panic.
"Your hurting him, stop!" I scream at them but they just ignore me..
"I love you Liam, always remember that" I tell him as he looks to me and I see a tear slide down his face.
"Tell my mum I love her, and I'm sorry I love you Stacey" he tells me sounding pained and I can't stop the tears.
They just stay there on top of him pinning him to the floor with the cuffs on.
"Stop resisting Liam" they say to him and he's not even doing anything. My chest aches watching them hurt him deliberately and I just want to hit them all.
They violently lift him up by his arms offering no support and he yelps out in pain and I cry watching them as they drag him away.
"Nooo!" I scream at them but nothing.
Pulling him along they shove him into a van and hitting his head off the door and I hear Liam again in pain and I want to help him but how. I need Jason.
They slam the door shut and off it goes and I'm just left there standing alone not knowing what to do. Where do I go now?
Jumping back in my car I drive straight to his mums and climb out.
Running up the path I bang on the door and the door swings open.
"Stacey? What's wrong.. Where's Liam?" Jason asks looking me over.
"They took him, he's gone" I say and burst out in tears.
"What??" he yells and drags me into the house..
"The police, they just took him I couldn't stop them. They had guns and everything" I tell him and he start to get angry he punches the door and then suddenly hugs me. Hugging him back I breakdown in Jason's arms and he just holds me as I cry.
"They hurt him more, he got shot yesterday" I tell him and he pulls back looking at me. "I need to tell mum" he says and sits me down with one last look at me he walks away. What am I going to do? I've lost him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now