Chapter 102

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Three weeks later

Walking out the court room with my mum and Sian by my side, I watched as Liam got took away again. He pleaded guilty and got three years. Three long years without him, he called out that he loved me multiple times and the judge was not impressed.
I'm currently sat in the bathroom in the court house crying thinking how will I go for that long.
"Stacey, the ubers here babe come on" I hear Sian call out to me.
I wipe my eyes and face with a tissue and leave the stall.
"He's gonna be OK, you know Liam babes" Sian says and I nod walking out the bathroom seeing Jason.
"You OK?" he asks me and I shake my head trying to hold my tears at bay till I get back home. I lasted a week in our home before I couldn't stand the silence and moved back home with my mum and she welcomed me back with open arms thank God.
"My mum would really like to see you, this is really taking it out of her" he say and I feel bad for her.
"Tell her I'll visit soon, I'm not great company right now" I tell him and he nods with a sad smile.
"I totally understand, take care of yourself and we'll see you soon" he says and I nod
"You too Jason" I tell him and we go our separate ways. I hope his mum holds on for Liam's sake.

Arriving back at home after dropping Sian off I see Victor's car parked outside my house. Climbing out the Uber I walk to my door and he jumps out.
"Baby girl" he calls out and I turn knowing its him.
"Nows not a great time, and stop calling me that I've told you already" I stress and he sighs.
"I heard about Liam, I wanted to see if you was alright" he says and I laugh humorless.
"You mean you've come to gloat.. Well you got what you wanted" I tell him and he frowns.
"I never wanted this, I just wanted you" he says and I sigh heavily.
"OK so you haven't come to gloat, you've come to try win me back.." I say and he looks me over.
"I'll never stop trying Stacey" he tells me and I hold up my hand.
"Just stop" I tell him and he steps closer to me.
"I'm here if you need anything at all. I just want to help you baby.." he stops and sighs.
"Stacey, I'm here if you need me for anything" he says and I nod my head.
"What I need I can't have, and no one can help with that" I tell him and turn to walk into my house leaving him standing there.

Laying on my bed I just stare at the ceiling with silent tears falling down my face. Three whole years.. We'll be 22 by the time he's out. So much would of changed accept my love, that will still be there strong as ever.
"Stacey, you have a letter" Macey says coming into my room. I sit up rapidly hoping it's from Liam and see that it is. I run my hand over his handwriting and my tears fall to the ink. Wiping them away quickly Macey leaves and I sit against the wall and open it hurriedly.

Hello baby
I'm soo sorry this is happening to you and I know your heartbroken but I need to give you some more bad news. I'm pleading guilty so I get a shorter sentence. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's the right thing to do says my lawyer, if I don't I'll be looking at 10years and I can't live that long without you. I know two to four years seems like a long time but it will fly by I promise you. I love you Stacey Johnson more than you'll ever know and I can't wait to see you at court but I understand if you don't come. I know it's gonna be hard on you but I hope I get to see you. I'll miss you everyday and love you forever bye for now baby
Your Liam XXXXX

I sit there rereading the letter over and over and cry again.
Ten fucking years.. Imagining if he got ten years feels like a life time away and I'm grateful that he only got three now. But still how could he think I wouldn't come to court. I had to see him. Grabbing my notepad and a pen I decide to write him a letter back..

Hi baby
I can't believe you got three years I've never cried so much in my life. I've spoken to Jason and he's not happy about any of this. Your mum still wants to see me but it will feel weird without you there. I'm sorry you didn't get to see her before you went and I'll make sure she knows that you love her too.
I miss you soo much that I can't live in the house anymore. I've come back home and I need to see you.. When can I?
Why would you think I wouldn't come to court are you crazy. I needed to atleast see you and know how long I had to wait for you and that's what I'm willing to do because I love you so much Liam Johnson don't ever forget that.
I hope to hear back from you soon and I'll send you whatever you need baby.
I love you soo much ❤️
Your Stacey Johnson XXXXX

Spraying some of my perfume on the letter, I fold it up and run downstairs to grab an envelope and stamp and write his address onit.
It's getting posted today. The sooner he gets it the better. I need him to know I'll be here when he gets home.
Running out my house I run to the postbox at the bottom of my street hugging the letter to my chest I close my eyes posting it wishing to just hear his voice instead.
Walking back to my house I see Victor still parked up with his head in his hands I open the passenger door and get in.
"Your still here. Why?" I ask him as he looks at me still leaning on his steering wheel.
"I needed to know you was OK" he says lifting up and looking at me properly.
"I'll never be OK Victor, why do you care. I hurt you and your still here" I ask him and he sighs heavily.
"I love you Stacey, I can't just stop" he says and I feel guilty.
"You can't make me feel any worse than I already do" I tell him and he grabs my hands.
"Let me take care of you then, I want to make sure your OK" he says and I pull my hands away from him.
"Victor it's been a few weeks and your here trying to swoop on the day he gets sentenced" I tell him sadly and disappointed.
"Listen to what you just said, he's been sentenced and left you again. With me that would never happen" he say irritated that I'm being stubborn obviously.
"Are you fucking serious! I don't need this shit Victor this isn't being here for me. My man just went to jail and your what trying to get back in my fucking pants because I know that's what it is your a fucking joke" I tell him getting out and slamming the door is he fucking for real!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now