Till the End of the World : Chapter 1: Pilot

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(Octavia's P.O.V)
I was gaining consciousness bit by bit... I could feel my body urging me to get up...
To not give up yet... When I started gaining full control over my body the adrenaline, the pain of reality kicked in...Almost like a punch to the stomach...
My hearing slowly began to become clearer as I lay thinking it would be better off to die right then and there...the sounds of screaming women and children echoed in my head like a drum being banged repeatedly. What this what death felt like?

Muffled voices in the background, more like cries and screams spread through the atmosphere... I wasn't finished yet... I hadn't given the last of myself. Everything was an enormous blur... one moment I am laughing with my family...and the other...well you already know that.  A voice calling me. A sweet, soothing ,angelic voice that eased my mind. "Come with me Octavia" she calmly delivered. I really wanted to listen to her, to give in and to surrender... But something was stopping me... holding me back from going with her.

(JC P.O.V)
Seeing my best friend's limp body, not breathing was fuel. Fuel to go on... Fuel to get revenge for whoever did this to her. "Her pulse is weakening Hange, what do I do?" I could hear my voice trembling with agony and pain at the thought of losing the first person who believed in me , the first person who was there for me... This fight was not over yet no where near. I promised myself that if my best friend passes today I kill everyone who caused her death everyone. We started this ruthless journey together I am NOT leaving without her. Hange tried calming me down relieving my panic with reassurance which seemed to do the trick. God I love her.

(Hange P.O.V)
" I remember from one of the books I read hold her chest and give her CPR!"
I was desperately trying to help my friend.  Really hoping it wasn't too late!

(Octavia's P.O.V)
A sensation tingled throughout my body consuming me with the will to survive. To give you an idea how weak my body was imagine being given anesthesia x10. Gosh it hurt... I was raised to not give up. A Blake always see's it through as my dad used to say... I could feel Jc's panic through the energy given off. A great effort would have to be made to give them a sign that their friend wasn't gone... yet. I needed to find Holt. My only family left... I need to get up...

(JC's P.O.V)
"I can feel her heart beat" " What a relief !"exclaimed Hange
A million things circled my mind over and over. Never-ending thoughts maybe even memories, flashbacks. I was an only child adored by my parents or so people thought...  I was lonely...I didn't have the freedom to do anything for myself. My parents forbade me. Although they always showed their loving and caring side to everyone around us, behind closed doors they were menacing people.  Snapping back into reality felt worse. Never would I have thought that the movies we used to watch as kids like The hunger games... would become real.

This was our life now... A constant fight for survival
Like a game...that plays with our lives...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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