Imagines (16)

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The sound of the ocean was enough to make you fall sleep right there. Dua's hand tapped your shoulder causing you to open your eyes and look at her.

She smiled at you and extended her arm out to you giving you a chocolate covered strawberry. The last one actually.

"It's the last one. You want it?" You smiled sitting up and took the strawberry taking a bite out of it.

Dexter, Dua's dog, climbed into Dua's lap. You watch the two of them play around.

It was about 2pm right now and Dua called you earlier to go to the beach with her. Not to go swimming or anything but just to chill with her. Have a little picnic with her which you at first thought was a date.

It was kind of like her to go chill to places with you. But she only ever comes to the beach when she can't sleep and she'll wake you up at about 3am and call you telling you, not asking you, that she's coming to get you and you always know why without questioning.

Sometimes she comes to the beach alone or once again with just you during the day when she's feeling down and just needs somewhere she can breathe and let her problems go away.

You're actually the only person she has brought here. She thinks it's because you help her relax and stuff. You always know how to keep her calm.

Which is true.

You just don't know it since she never directly told you.

She usually just asks you, "Hey, you down for the beach?" and you agree spending about an hour or two there just chilling thinking that is just to chill when really she's fighting demons in her mind and her anxiety and depression has been getting the best of her and she needs you there cause it's something about your presence...

But this week was odd.

See, the two of you go to the beach and to this spot and you sit by this rock in front of the ocean and usually you'd come about every two weeks but this week was almost everyday.

Well, she's been here almost everyday. She just brought you 2 days out of the 7 days.

Dua and you shared a very serious relationship. No not like lovers. You've been best friends since only god knows when and never stopped.

When Dua became famous and got rich and bought her family a house, she bought for you and your family one as well. Then once you moved out she paid for your college tuition and then your apartment that you currently live in.

You've definitely told her to stop spending money on you and that you can handle yourself but everything always went through one ear and out the other since she knew all she was gonna do was pay for more of your things.

She looks at it as her way of thanking you.

Thanking you for still being there for her through everything and never giving up on her mind.

That's when the coming to the beach thing happened.

You started it thinking it was gonna be a one time thing but she ended up falling in love with the idea sitting in front of the ocean and clearing her.

She also ended up falling in love with you as well.

Another thing she's never gonna tell you.

Well, not yet at least.

But you fell in love with her a long time ago and also isn't planning on saying anything.

Just two people in love scared to say anything to the other.

Dexter's tail brushed up against your face as he took a seat right by your face. Blocking your view.

You huffed sitting up and Dua chuckled taking a sip of her soda.

You tossed the stem of the strawberry into the container it came out and placed it in the plastic bag you two used as a garbage bag.

Dua getting up from her spot caught your attention and Dexter followed her since Dua did have his leash in her hand.

You reached over and grabbed the Polaroid camera that was in the bag you brought and took a few pictures of the two adding them to the other pictures you took earlier of her and Dexter.

You watched quietly at Dua and Dexter with your hands in your lap feeling the breeze go through your hair wondering what the hell was going through her mind.

Usually she'd tell you what was wrong but today she didn't and nothing didn't seem wrong.

In fact, she seemed happy. She was... Okay.

Dua and Dexter made their way back to you and Dexter walked around in a circle before laying down. Dua took a seat next to you resting her elbow on her knees and sighing.

"What's wrong?" You looked at her and you could see the smile slowly creep on her face.


"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean nothing. I'm alright today. I just wanted to spend some time with you that's all." She said and you raised an eyebrow but decided on not responding and nodding your head.

Silence took over the two of you as you just sat there looking at the ocean wondering where it ends and what's in it that we don't know about...

"How do you tell someone you like them- no love them?" She asked you and you looked at her seeing her stare out into the ocean before turning her head to you making eye contact.

"I don't know," you chuckled looking back into the ocean, "To me personally, I feel like the easiest way is to say it. No hesitation. Just say it.

She hummed in response and once again silence took over you two.

"I love you."

You looked at her with a raised eyebrow and chuckled.


"You said to just say it. So I said it and I'm about to say it again. I love you, YN." She told you and a smile crept up on your face.

"You love me, huh?" She nodded her head and her pretty face became red, "I love you too Dua."

She looked at you and this time her eyebrow was raised. She chuckled and shook her head as she started petting Dexter.

"So what now?"

"Shit, I don't know. I ain't been in a relationship in a while." She laughed.

Her arm wrapped around your shoulder and you rested your head on her shoulder.

"I'm nervous to ask you," She says, "Hmm the big and famous Dua Lipa is nervous around an ordinary girl like meeee", you teased and she hit your shoulder. "Just ask." You giggled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked giggling like a girl in highschool who was scared to ask out her crush. She was so cute.

You looked up at her smiling giving her a kiss on her lips.

"Yes I fucking will."


An: Yooo I'm a sucker for Dua Lipa's short hair. It's attractiveeeeee lol

And I hope y'all like this one and if you do, don't forget to vote MWAH! ✌🏽

And I hope y'all like this one and if you do, don't forget to vote MWAH! ✌🏽

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