Clueless Ice Breaker - A SiRav OS

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Hi friends,

I have written another OS on our newlyweds SiRav. Please read it and let me know your thoughts on it. Thank you very much to all those who read, voted, and commented on my last OS. They mean so much to me. 


Aarav closed the door on Simar's face and walked away to the garden. He crossed the Mata idol on the way but refused to look at her. He had always been her devotee but she had deceived him like his Mausi. As long as he remembers he never asked for anything from her since she had blessed him with almost everything from birth. The only thing he asked in recent days is that he wants to get married to a girl who loves him. Was that hard to give?

She deceived him and that too using his dear Simar Mausi. Tears started falling from his eyes. He didn't bother to wipe them off. The most eligible bachelor in the town is crying like a baby with no one to console. Well, no more bachelor. He stood up furiously and walked towards the pooja hall to confront the deceiving goddess. Once he reached there, he saw her looking at him with a mocking smile. He got angrier and went near.

He stumbled on something soft on the floor and almost fell, but steadied himself on the last moment. His eyes got closed instantly in the process. He got angrier thinking about who had put pillows in the pooja room. He agrees that this is a house fresh after a wedding, but that doesn't mean it has to be untidy. He took a deep breath to pacify him and slowly opened his eyes to look down.

There is no pillow. Instead, it was the beautiful lehenga he bought himself was lying on the floor. Lehenga with a girl in it. What the hell was she doing here? He had told her to stay inside the bedroom. And, why her eyes are closed? Did she faint here? She didn't get hurt in the fight, did she? He peered at her checking for injuries and found nothing. Noting visible, at least. He again tried to think for some valid reason, but his hungry stomach is not letting him think properly. Hunger! Oh goodness! How did he forget? She didn't eat anything at all since the morning like him. He facepalmed cursing himself for being so irresponsible.

He heard some footsteps and instantly ducked to hide. He sucked in his breath and waited for the footsteps sound to fade away. He never thought he would see a day where he will hide in his own house. When he sighed heavily in relief, he heard someone murmur. He looked down and found Simar's face under him. He realized that in the process of hiding, he had almost sat on Simar. He knows he needs to get up back, but unable to do so seeing that innocent face so closely. He pitied her. Yes, that's the truth. He knows that she too is a victim like him. From the moment, he had seen her today she was crying buckets. So, he kind of felt some relief on seeing her sleeping peacefully.

He blinked. Sleeping? Yes, of course. She is sleeping. He felt relieved for a moment but then started wondering why would sleep on the Oswal house's pooja hall floor? He is not guilty. It is not his fault if she had decided to walk out of the given big bedroom and sleep in some corner. He heard a bell sound and looked up to see the Mata idol looking at him with an annoying smile.

Oh! She must have felt lonely and came to the goddess for some solace. He felt guilty now. Why he didn't think of Simar's feelings?. He vowed earlier today that he is going to support her whole life, but had left her alone on the very day itself. Not even twenty hours had passed being this house bahu, already she had faced goons and sleeping on the floor. He dares not to think about what the future holds for her. He felt that it is his duty to take care of her for the time being.

"Simar... Simar..." he called her in a low voice but there is no response. He tried few more times but failed miserably. He gulped for a moment and slowly poked her shoulders using his pinky finger. Still, there is no reaction. He is getting agitated now. He shook her shoulders lightly gaining some response finally.

"Please mummy... Ten more minutes... Today is Sunday" she mumbled in sleep making him smile instantaneously. He shook her again adding more force.

"Please mummy... I will do all the works, do three times pooja, and will never ever call you fat. Just let me sleep for another five minutes, please mummy please please please..." she pleaded in her sleep with a cute little pout and he had to close his mouth to muffle his sounds of laughter. His face instantly frowned when his fingers traced the tear marks on his cheeks. Was he crying? He doesn't remember crying but he didn't remember smiling as well after the big revelation. He looked down at the girl who had made him smile without even trying. He noticed similar traces on her rosy cheeks too and dismayed at once. He vowed to keep her happy as long as she is with him.

Well, the first step to achieve that goal is to get her back to his room where she can sleep peacefully without any disturbance. But, she is not cooperating. He decided that trying to wake her up is like reversing this impossible marriage. She seems very tired and to be honest if he closes his eyes for even a second he too may end up sleeping like her, but not so adorably maybe. Adorable?

He shook his head to remove unwanted facts and lifted her into his arms. When he looked up, he found Mata idol giving them a divine smile. He nodded to her highness and started moving towards his room. He got surprised by her weight. How could she be so weightless even while wearing a heavy lehenga of 10 KGs? And, she is wearing these massive jewel sets as well. He wondered how much her body would weigh if he takes all these off from her and concluded that it will be so less that he can easily carry her all day without shedding a sweat.

He halted with a jolt. That sounded awfully wrong. Instantly, his both hands came up to smack his forehead for this stupid thought. But, since those said hands are busy holding her already, his face ended up smacking onto her bare waist. His lips pressed her bare skin earning a moan from her sleeping form. He stilled and felt an unfamiliar feeling erupting inside him.

He gulped and lowered his hands instantly. Why does she have to moan? It's not like he is hearing moans for the first time. Being an eligible bachelor in the towns has both pros and cons. There is a type of girl who would fall on his laps moaning loudly to get his attention while he is chilling out in clubs. But, he would just throw them off and would not even spare a second glance. His friends even sometimes call him 'the ice man' to annoy him but he secretly liked the name. Then why would he feel the carnal desire on this very fateful day to a soft sleepy moan of a clueless girl? Did she unknowingly manage to break the ice?

He got furious and glared down at her. She stirred a little as if she can feel his cold stare but didn't wake up. Is she a granddaughter of Kumbakarn? Here his heart is waging war against his mind, but the reason behind is sleeping like a baby in his arms. Well, definitely not a baby. Babies won't moan seductively. He cannot believe his first proposal and first carnal desire got waste because of her - his unwanted wife. His Wife?

His thoughts got interrupted when his feet faced an obstacle. He looked up from her face and found his door in close. It seems, his familiar legs walked on his own to his bedroom. Bedroom? Suddenly this word sounded very heavy. He gulped. Could he trust himself into that four walls with her alone? He looked down at his sleeping beauty. His sleeping beauty? That's it. He kicked his door open and went inside fast. Once he was done depositing her onto his bed, he dashed out of the room and closed the door. He leaned against the door and tried to calm his racing heart by patting it with his closed fist continuously. His moments with her from day one started flashing before his mind. He could not help but admire his perfect memory. Though they are very few, they started running in a loop. He realized that he always liked, admired, and respected Simar. He sighed and wondered what the future holds for them.

As for tonight, he decided to sleep in one of their guest room. He had never seen them but knows they are located on the right-wing of this house. While marching towards the room, he could not help but wonder whether that said room has a bathroom facility because he seriously needs one bloody cold shower.  


How was it? I hope you like it. Please let me know your feedback below. Thanks in advance and sorry if this is not entertaining enough.

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