Hell's Jewel

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Hell's Jewel

Chapter One: Jenna Devon

I woke up, standing in the middle of a long line. The people in front of me looked confused, for some odd reason. People behind me were appearing every minute. It shared a resemblance to how one might feel in a Nazi death camp. We were all dressed similarly, boys in long black pants and black shirts and girls in loose black dresses. We all looked chalky, too pale to be healthy.

I thought to myself, 'Where am I?'

There was a short line of masked men, six men all wearing simple, red masquerade type masks and long black capes. I can assume they were men by their shoulder width and height, but I suppose you never know. They didn't move, but stared intently at the line. Watching. Waiting.

A man a few people in front of me started to panic, "I know where we are!" he flailed wildly, "The darkness, the volcanic rocks-- We're in hell!"

It took a few moments for that to sink in. Hell? Was I really in hell?

His little panic attack managed to knock someone over. I glanced at the young man, about my age. Short black hair, incredibly dark eyes. He seemed out of it. He just sat there, looking like a kicked puppy.

I had already taken a step forward to help him up when one of the masked men jumped into action, raising a thin leather whip. Without thinking, I jumped in-between the two. The whip came down with a crack.

Let me tell you, I have never felt pain quite that severe. For a moment, I felt nothing. Everyone was just shocked. I stood there, wide eyed, my head still turned from the force of the blow. The young man looked surprised and confused. The masked man looked the worst, though. He looked so shocked, it was nearly hilarious. He looked as if my actions were simply blasphemous.

Maybe they were. After all, I'm in hell.

Then, the pain set in. Oh, yes, the pain set in. It sent me falling to the ground, shuddering as my nerve endings screeched in pain, desperately seeking relief.

One of the other masked men, seeing that his friend was too shocked to take action, grabbed my hand, yanking me roughly towards the front of the line. I didn't care where we were going. All I could think about was the burning sensation on my face.

Near the front of the line, I manable to speak, "What're you doing?"

He replies briefly, sounding distant, "To the King." I didn't like his tone. He sounded as if I was beneath his notice, but he simply had to deal with me because it was protocol.

"And why," I snapped back, "is the king interested in seeing me?"

He chuckled softly.

"Well, dear Jenna, we've been waiting for you. You are Hell's jewel."


Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you thought of it! Just a quick first chapter, I'll be getting into drama later on!

Ginnycat720 :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2011 ⏰

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