Iza's next day at school started out the same as usual.
In her English class she was assigned to a partner so that they could read poetry to each other and critique it. Iza's poem was easy for her to write because she basically created a scenario that she normally did with Maira.
The teacher read off of her list, "Iza, you're paired with Kaylie."
Kaylie was right next to her. She was a blonde haired girl; she was very pretty but also plain looking.
After everyone was assigned their partners, everyone turned their desks to face one another. Iza slowly turned towards Kaylie.
"Hi! I'm Kaylie! What's your name?" Kaylie asked while moving her desk.
"I'm Iza..." she smiled as best she could.
Kaylie sat up straight, "Okay! I kinda wanna start with yours... is that okay with you?"
Iza nodded and handed over her poem.
Kaylie read it:
The flower of the field
I wish I could touch them
What surprises would they yield?
Can I take one by the stem?
I hover over the flowers
There's water rushing around me
I take one to admire
It takes me
Kaylie finished reading it then reread it in her head again. She was scrunching her eyebrows.
"Iza, this is crazy good! I think I can understand what yours is about... Is it about beauty not always being safe? Or maybe that it doesn't have to be a rose to be a dangerous flower?"
Iza smiled, "Wow, you have good guesses."
"Am I at least close?!"
"Well... no... I don't think you can guess what it all means."
"Aww... you sure I can't? Is it something from a video game or a made up place?"
Suddenly Kaylie was on track and Iza lost her composure for a second.
Kaylie's eyes opened wider, "Wait, am I right?!"
Iza started to blush, "Wait can we read yours before we go on?"
Kaylie giggled and said, "Okay!".
She gave hers to Iza and Iza read it out loud.
Whenever the sky is grey
And hope hides away
I will stand tall
When things go bad
When everyone is sad
I will spring up
No need to guess
I'm a sunflower
But my sunshine is always with me
Iza stared at the poem.
Kaylie giggled some more and asked, "So whatcha think about it? Isn't it cute?!"
Iza nodded, "It's really cute. I love this!"
"I got the idea to write this from my sister, we like to call her 'Sunshine' so I made myself into a sunflower!"
Iza smiled and said, "It seems like you really like your sister! You're the one who shared that post last night about a charity right?"
Kaylie looked excited, "Yeah! Apparently it's weird to have such a great relationship with your sibling, but I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't like her! That charity thing was all her idea too! Isn't that crazy?! She's only a middle schooler!"
Iza looked surprised, "Wow... she does sound like sunshine...".
"What about you, Iza? Do you have any siblings?"
"I have a little sister too, but she's nothing like your sister. She's really loud and sometimes we fight each other."
"Do you still love her though?"
"Well yeah, but—"
"Stop! Anything that she does that you don't like, you shouldn't hold it over her! Try to set an example of forgiveness for her."
Iza stopped to think.
Kaylie spoke again, "It's embarrassing to tell you this, but I learned that from my sister. She was the one to teach me about forgiving her."
.Iza noticed Kaylie's smile fading.
Kaylie kept talking, "No matter who's teaching who, I still love her with all my heart."
The teacher got the class's attention, "Alright everyone!! One person from each group has to come up and share a poem! Who would like to go first!"
Kaylie's hand shot up.
She grabbed her own poem and walked to the front of the class.
She looked very happy to share her poem again.
After school, Iza came home and Maira wanted to play with her. This time, Maira chose where they were.
Maira raised her hands to the air, "(There is a giant sparkly volcano that's filled with poison!! We need to evacuate the people who live on it before it erupts!)"
Iza played along, "(We need to find a safe way of climbing it!! Do you know of a way?)"
Maira ran and said, "(Over there are unicorns! We can use them to take us up!)"
Iza and Maira ran into their living room and Maira was pretending to get on her unicorn. Iza however was imagining the room to be a giant meadow.
Maira shouted, "(Haha! Mine is eating flowers!)"
Iza thought of sunflowers.
"(Maira! Tell your horse not to eat those flowers!!)"
Maira looked confused, "(Why, Iza?)"
Iza paused then said, "(These are explosive and dangerous!!)"
Maira screamed and made her unicorn stop eating the flowers.
They played for the rest of the night.
Teen FictionIza is a High schooler who was originally born in India. Though she's lived in America for a long while now, she still feels self conscious about being different. She and her sister also use their imaginations to concoct giant worlds and fantasies i...