Chapter 104 Liam POV

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I can't believe I'm in prison. How the fuck am I supposed do this without my queen..
I need her now more than ever. This place is gonna turn me into an animal even more.
I'm practically alone here, no one I know is in this place apart from my enemies Fuck! I hope that I don't extend my sentence because I will not back down from know one. I can't! Injured or not.
I just need to keep my head down for Stacey's sake.

I lay there on my tiny bed staring up at the ceiling why my cell mates at work.
Hes not that bad to be fair. He's a bit of a weird guy but what do you expect when he's already done eight years. I'd go crazy.
It's been two days since I spoke to her.. My baby and I miss her like fucking crazy!
I don't want to be selfish with her, but she wants to wait for me. What the fuck do I do? I need and want her to wait but this is my fault. My problem, not hers. So she should live her life. I did the crime.. Why she doing the time? It's not fair. She needs a life without all off this shit. She deserves better than this. Better than me Fuck! I need to hear her voice. I need to call her. I need a fucking phone!
"Johnson, dinner" I hear from the cell door and sigh heavily.
Getting up I make my way out the cell and down to the cafeteria seeing plenty of man that hate me. Fuck this isn't going to go down well.
Keep my head down, keep my head down! I repeat over and over in my head. Do it for Stacey Liam. You can do this.
Suddenly I'm barged past and I feel my blood boil and my temperature rise as I look up and see Stefan.
"What the fuck... Stefan?" I pause looking at him. Wow he's grown and the fucking muscles on him. Good as least I know someone.
"Liam fucking Johnson, my brother" he says and slaps my back hugging me. Ohhhk..
"Come with me bro" he says and I follow him happily.
"How long you been in man fucking hell your massive now. Not that skinny kid from school anymore" I tease and he laughs shrugging looking at me.
"Transfered up from young offenders, it's been awhile since I've seen the outside world bro" he says and I wonder what he did.
Walking straight to the front of the queue with him grabbing a tray I stand next to stefan seeing everyone staring at us unimpressed, I just look back smirking thinking I'll stay with stefan from now on. I can't believe he's here aswell. I'm so fucking excited. Maybe this time won't be so bad after all.
Looking at the food there serving out doesn't look too bad for prison anyways.
We grab our food and make our way to a table and sit with a couple of Stefan's boys.
"So what did you do this time Johnson?" Stefan says laughing and I sigh thinking about how fucked up the job went.
"Possession of a firearm and gbh" I roll my eyes and he shakes his head.
"When you out?" he asks me devouring the food.
"I got three years because I said guilty" I say and he nods
"I need to keep my head down and get back to Stacey" I tell him and he looks at me surprised.
"Stacey Bloom.. Your still obsessed by her bro" he asks and I nod grinning ear to ear
"Absolutely, I need to call her after we've eaten" I tell him and he smirks at me. What's he up to.. I know that face...
"I've got you bro, we'll go back to my cell" he says and I nod wondering what's he up to?

Walking back to Stefan's cell I enter and he closes the door and starts rummaging around the bed looking for something clearly.
Suddenly handing me a phone my eyes light up and I could fucking kiss him.
"Call her, I'll keep watch outside" he tells me patting my back and leaving.
I quickly dial her number hoping she answers.
"Hello?" she says and I melt at the sound of her voice.
"Baby.. Its me" I tell her and she practically screams down the phone. Laughing I pull the phone away from my ear and hear her sniffle. Fuck please don't cry I beg silently..
"Are you OK. Who's is this number Liam what have you done?" she questions and I laugh again. She knows me well.
"Remember Stefan from school, he's in here it's his phone, and I'm OK baby don't worry about me how are you?" I ask her and she sniffles again
"I miss you so.. Not great but I'm here" she says and it makes me sad to know she's not living her life. Just stuck waiting for me.
"I miss you too, what you been doing?" I ask her needing to know she hasn't just been stuck at home.
"Avoiding Victor, and going to work" she says and I clench my jaw at the name I hear.
"What do you mean, what's he doing?" I ask her knowing exactly what she's going to say.
"He keeps showing up at work and my house to check on me, he won't leave me alone baby" she says and my blood boils. I fucking knew he'd swoop straight away the little dick. She's mine!
"If he gets to much just ring Steve baby, please tell me your doing more than going to work.. Your living your life right?" I ask her and she sighs.
"Steve sees me every other day checking up on me and he knows about Victor already. I can't do anything without you Liam. Everything reminds me of you" she says and I sit on Stefan's bed with my head in my hand.
"Baby you need to live your life, please for me" I tell her and I can hear her cry again.
"I can't Liam I need you, that's my life, you!" she says and I think no!
"Stacey Johnson, you will live your life. You can't just do nothing for three years, you are not doing the time.. I am" I tell her wanting to punch something feeling emotional.
"Right now all I can do is think of you, I'll get better. I just need time baby" she says and I sigh but I can work with that.
Suddenly Stefan pops his head in and signals for me to put the phone down.. Fuck!
"Screws are coming I have to go baby, I love you and miss you Stacey Johnson" I say as quick as I can.
"I love you too, bye" I just catch and I switch the phone off shoving it under the bed quick time. Fuck I can't do this. I need time and privacy to talk to her.

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