Chapter 105

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It's been two days since Liam called me and I've just received his letter today with his order to visit him. I lay on my bed and open the letter taking a deep breath and start to read.

Hello baby.
I can't believe you sprayed your letter with my favourite smell of you thank you baby that means alot.
I hope your OK and doing better than the last time I spoke to you. I miss you more than everything else in my life. I don't know if I can do this without you baby.
I have so many enemies in here and I'm scared that I'm going to end up doing something stupid and getting a longer sentence. But I'm really trying for you.
Dont feel weird baby, my mum loves you and I bet she would love to see you with or without me. I understand that you can't live there and that's ok baby just know that it will always be your home and you can go there whenever you want beautiful.
Seeing you in court felt amazing but sad at the same time. I wanted to hold you while you cried. I couldn't take my eyes off of you baby. I'm grateful that you want to wait for me but I need you to live your live aswell baby. Please for me. Ive put in the visitation order so come and see me as soon as you can baby I need to see you, feel you. Kiss you baby.

I love you soo much never forget that!
Your Liam XXXXX

I wipe under my eyes as I finish ready his letter and look at the order. I pull my phone out and ring the number straight away.
"Hello, I've just received a visitation order and needed to book in." I say not really knowing how this works.
I give her all the details she asks for and book in to see him tomorrow. That was quicker than I expected.
"OK thank you" I tell her and hang up.
Putting the VO somewhere safe I pull out my notepad and write back to Liam.

Hey baby
Just received your letter and VO and I've booked in to see you tomorrow and I'm so looking forward to seeing you. I've never been so excited in my life about seeing somebody.
I visited your mum yesterday and she's doing better than before and Jason's looking after her well. I've brought you some new trainers for while your in there and some new clothes that I'll bring with me too. I can't wait to see you baby to hold you and kiss you too. I've missed your lips on me.
I've put in a few photos for you to remember me by, I hope you like them baby.
I'm trying to live my life but I feel lost without you. Works keeping me busy as I've took on extra hours to occupy my mind.
I hope to hear from you soon baby.
I love you sooo much ♥
Your Stacey Johnson XXXXX

Spraying the letter as I know he likes it  I fold it up and put it into a pre addressed envelope and put a stamp onit.

Running out my house I post the letter and stroll back looking at my phone hoping that he calls me again. I need to hear him if I can't have him with me. Ones better than none!
Walking back into my house I make my way upstairs and look at the clothes and trainers I bought him and hope he likes them. I bag them up and look for a sexy outfit to wear for tomorrow hoping he likes that to but nothing to provocative I'm gonna be surrounded by alot of men that I don't need to be staring at me to send Liam over. God knows what he'll do.

Switching the shower on I jump in and wash quickly and jump out. Walking back into my room I hear my phone ringing and run to it.
"Hello baby" I say knowing it's Liam by the number.
"Baby, are you OK, what you doing?" he asks me and I'm not sure if I should tell him.
"Just got out the shower standing in my room in my towel, what you doing?" I ask him and I hear him groan. I've missed that.
"Fuck baby, why would you tell me that, now all I can think about is you wet and naked" he says and I laugh.. For the first time in God knows how long.
"You asked, I miss you" I tell him seductively and he groans again.
"You have no idea baby, I miss every part of you. Fuck I'm so hard right now" he tells me and I whimper needing him.
"I wish you was here with me" I tell him as I sit on my bed.
"I'm always with you, everyday in my head and heart, you have my ring to remember me by. I need something" he tells me and I think of the photos I'd taken and sent off.
"Im seeing you tomorrow by the way and I've sent you a little something in your letter. I hope you like it" I tell him and I can tell he's smiling.
"I'll love it as it's from you" he says making me smile.
"I have to go now baby and I'll try call you later but if not I'll see you tomorrow I'm so fucking excited. I love you so much baby" he says making me grin.
"I'm so excited too, I love you more than anything. Be good. Bye" I tell him and we hang up.
Standing back up I dry the rest of my body and quickly pull on my underwear then jeans and a t-shirt not bothering and my black adidas trainers.
Brushing my hair I put it up into a bun for work and grab my bag.

"Mum im going to work, I'll see you later" I tell her and leave the house quickly.
Jumping into my car I turn on the music and drive off. I normally use Liam's car but it needs filling and I don't have time for that right now I do it later..
I wish the day away faster. I can't wait to see him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now