Chapter 107

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Today's the day I get to see Liam. My baby. I'm so excited I woke up earlier to get ready and now I'm just sitting on my bed ready to go. It's a long drive and I wanna make sure I get there with plenty of time.
Looking myself over in the mirror I apply a pink lipstick and dab it with a tissue adding gloss.

Perfect I thought and I hope he likes it

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Perfect I thought and I hope he likes it.
Grabbing my bags I make my way down the stairs and my phone suddenly rings. Checking the caller ID, I know it's Liam.
"Hello baby, I'm leaving now" I tell him and he sighs with relief clearly happy that I'm still coming.
"I was just making sure you was still coming beautiful, I can't wait to see you" he tells me making me smile wide.
"I'm so looking forward to seeing you baby you have no idea how much I've missed you" I tell him walking into the kitchen.
"I understand what you mean, I need you now more than ever" he tells me and I wonder what he means but I'll get that out of him when I see him. I hope he's OK.
"I'm just grabbing snacks to bring in with us and I've made you some things too" I tell him excited to give him his chocolate and peanut butter cups that he loves.
"Your the best beautiful. I can't wait to get out and show you how much I appreciate you" he tells me groaning. I clench my thighs needing him in more ways than one.
Grabbing a bottle of water, I shut the fridge and make my way out the house.
"I'll let you go because you need to drive and I'll see you soon baby, I love you beautiful" he tells me as I put his things in the back and the treats on the passenger seat with my bag.
"Ok baby, I'll be with you in a few hours. I love you too baby mwah" I blow a kiss down the phone and we hang up.
Starting Liam's car up that I've decided to take today as it should get me there quicker I pull on my seat belt and turn the music up. I smile to myself happy for what feels like in forever to be seeing him finally.

The drive up here was long and tedious. And way more boring on my own but I'm finally here and ready to see him. Pulling up in the car park I climb out grabbing everything and make my way to the entrance.
"I'm here to visit" I tell the lady behind the desk who's smiling at me, she takes my ID and the VO and checks everything I've brought in and hands it back to me.
"Just go through them doors and sit in the waiting area until someone comes to collect you" she says with a smile and I smile back with a nod and grab the stuff walking through.

After being searched and pattered down I let them check my bags and they let me through and I sit in the waiting area ready to see him.
After about half an hour I hear someone call out names.
"Liam Johnson's visitor" I hear and stand grabbing my stuff and make my way over to the officer.
"Liam Johnson" I tell him and he nods checking me again. He leads me through another door and into a room full of tables and chairs and a play area for the children. Looking around the room I don't see Liam. Where is he? The officer takes me to a table with the number 5 onit and points to the seat where I should sit.
"Thanks" I tell him and sit down putting everything down. Looking around the room I see people coming out of a door in the far right corner with bright yellow sachets over them and I look for Liam. I stand needing to find him. And quick.
"Baby" I call out when I see him and he looks up at me grinning wide. He runs over to me and picks me up spinning us around kissing me repeatedly.
Putting me down he kisses me passionately and I whimper into his mouth making him groan. Pulling apart far to soon we take our seats and he looks to be in pain. Surely it can't be the bullet wound? That's not where he's hurting..
"Baby what's wrong? You look like your in pain" I say concerned worried about him.
"I'm OK baby, don't worry" he says and I frown at him.
"Tell me what happened Liam" I demand and he smirks
"So sexy baby you look beautiful" he says and I smile.
"Don't change the subject Liam, and don't make me look you over infront of everybody" I tell him and he sighs sitting forward.
"Fine, you do look fucking sexy tho baby. Some guys jumped me in the shower. I'm OK" he says and my heart starts beating rapidly. I thought he'd be safe in here.
"Baby I wanna help you but I don't know how" I tell him trying now to cry. It's the last thing he needs is seeing me cry.
"Baby don't be upset, I'm good and it will be sorted don't worry" he tells me and I sigh knowing what that means.
"I brought you something" I tell him not wanting to get into that conversation and he perks up looking at the box.
"Can I have it" he asks edging towards it eagerly. Laughing I nod my head and slide the box over to him. Watching him slowly open the lid his face lights up at the baked goods and looks back at me.
"Oh my god I fucking love you" he says shoving one of the cups into his mouth and humming his appreciation for it.
"I know how much you love them and thought you deserved something" I say and then he looks at the other bags raising a brow.
"What's in them?" he asks grabbing more and putting them into his mouth. Pushing the bags over to him he opens the box first and his eyes light up again.
"You really didn't need to buy me things baby" he says kicking off his trainers and putting the new ones on.
"I love them baby, thank you so much" he tells me grinning checking them out on his feet.
"Whatever you need baby, I'll get for you" I tell him as he rummages through the other bags.
I just bought a few pairs of jeans with t-shirts and two tracksuit.
"I love it all beautiful, listen if you need money I have some stashed in your dressing room behind the vanity" he tells me the last past quietly and smiles rubbing my leg.
"I don't need your money baby, but thank you for telling me, if I need it I'll take some OK" I tell him reassuringly because his face drops at my refusal.
"OK baby, what's mine is yours" he says not being able to keep his hands off of me.
"I've missed you soo much Liam" I tell him trying not to cry again.
"I've missed you baby and it's only been a few weeks, I don't know how I'm going to last so long without you" he says and a tear slides down my face. Leaning forward he wipes it away gently and looks into my eyes
"Please don't cry baby, it's gonna be OK. I need to know you'll be OK" he says and I shrug my shoulders.
"How can I be OK when your in here and I can't help you baby plus your getting hurt" I say and he sighs heavily. I can see his thoughts going wild and I reach out grabbing his hand. He looks around the room and sees someone watching.
"What the fuck you looking at?" Liam says getting angry. I pull his face back to mine and give him a smile.
"Don't worry about anyone else baby, I'm yours and your mine" I tell him and lift up to kiss him gently.
"I ain't worried baby, I'll see him later" he tells me and I shake my head.
"Baby no! I need you to be good so you can come home to me, I need you" I say sounding emotional.
"I'm really trying baby, trust me I want to come home as soon as possible" he says looking into my eyes and he's telling me the truth. He's actually trying to be good for me.
"I'd fuck the shit out of your girl Johnson damn" some one calls out and I stay looking at Liam trying to contain him and rub his hand soothingly.
"Just ignore them baby, they wish, this is your treasure" I tell him smiling. He stays calm while I'm touching him but what's gonna happen when I leave? I don't know. I hope he's gonna be OK.
He continues to eat the snacks and drinks his pop staring at the guy behind me.
"How's work baby?" he asks and I smile.
"It's good, I'm enjoying it and it's helping distract my thoughts" I tell him and he smiles. And it's so good to see it. I've missed him so much. I keep from touching him because I don't know when the next time will be?
After talking about Stefan and how he's really doing he seems to be doing a little better with me here and I feel better being with him.
"Times up everyone, say your goodbyes" someone calls out and I don't want to go yet. It's not long enough.
We both stand up and we wrap our arms around each other and I begin to cry into his chest. He pulls back lifting my face up and kisses me forcefully pushing his tongue into my mouth I grab the back of his neck pulling him in and suck on it making him groan.
"I love you Stacey Johnson" he says pulling back leaving me breathless. I kiss him again quickly and he holds me tightly to his hard body.
"I love you soo much Liam, I'll come see you soon I promise" I tell him and he nods looking emotional. He wipes my tears away and kisses me again.
"Come on Johnson" a screw says to him and he sighs kissing me again then letting go off me. He picks up his other trainers and his clothes and I watch him walk away and through the door and tears fall. Grabbing my things I turn to leave.
"I love you baby" I hear Liam shout and it makes me smile.
"I love you Liam" I call back not caring and walk away.

After leaving Liam I sit in his car and break down. I don't know how many times I can do this. Seeing him for a short while then him being snatched away from me. I hate the goodbyes and how he's gotten beaten up in the fucking showers. How naive was I to think he'd be safe in this place. I can't lose him. I will become a shell. I'm already half way there. My heart hurts for him being away from me and everyone that loves him. His poor mum too.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now