Chapter 108

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Its been two days and I haven't heard a thing from Liam and I'm starting to worry. Is he OK? What's happening with him. I hope he's not hurt. Again. I feel my heat beating quickly anxious about everything.
Sitting in my living room watching some crap and I keep checking my phone thinking that it's broke. But it can't be because everyone else can get through to me.
What's happening I hate not knowing.
Smoking my spliff with my glass of wine I hear someone knocking on the door. Checking the time I see it's 8pm and I didn't know anyone was coming. Getting up I open the door and see Steve standing there.
"Is Liam OK?" I ask him and he sighs. Opening the door wide I invite him in and he walks into the living room. Following him in, anxious as hell to know what's happened I sit down where I was and turn to face him.
"Something happened, Liam's in the hospital but I don't know how bad it is yet" he tells me and I instantly cry. Oh my god nooo! My poor baby. I knew something was wrong. He needs out of that hell hole.
"Which hospital, we're going right now" I say standing and ready to go grabbing car keys from the coffee table.
"I don't know that either Stacey, sit down" he tells me and I sit at his tone of voice.
"What do you know Steve?" I ask him teary eyed and emotional.
"Not alot sweetheart, I've only found this out not long ago and came straight to you" he says and I sigh dropping back. How bad is it.. Is he going to be OK? Will he survive. If he's in hospital it must be bad. Right? Fuck! My thoughts are swirling and no one has any answers for me.
"I will find out what happened and where he is, I'm waiting for a phone call. Just stay calm its no use getting upset when we don't know anything yet" he says and I snap.
"He's in the fucking hospital, it's got to be bad Steve!" I stress and he sighs at me.
"Calm down sweetheart, I know your upset but that's not going to help any of us, Liam needs you to be strong for him" he says and I grab my glass downing the wine. I need something stronger. I need Liam. My poor baby..
"One minute let me get this" he says pulling out his phone and walking out the room.
I wonder who did this to him.. An enemy like he said he had or the guy from the visit.. The first guys got to him again from the shower.. What the fuck happened to my baby. I need to know. Where the fuck were the guards? Fuck! What's happening?
"OK, thanks" Steve says walking back into the room and looking at me.
"Come with me, I know where he is" I jump up grabbing my phone and purse and follow Steve out the door. Where is he taking me. It better be to my baby.

Pulling up in the hospital car park after a long silent drive I jump out and rush towards to entrance. Steve follows behind me and grabs my hand.
"This way sweetheart" he pulls me along and my feet just follow him.
We walk down a corridor and through some doors and I look up at the sign 'ICU' oh my god my baby the tears come flowing down and Steve looks at me sadly.
"Wait here, I'll get you in to see him" he tells me and I nod my head slowly. Looking around I see a bunch of doctors and nurses flowing in and out of rooms and I hope he's OK.. Please be OK. Stay with me Liam. I need you.
I turn to my left where Steve went and see a door at the bottom with two officers stationed outside. Liam must be in there.
Steve walks back out and down towards the officers. They have a conversation and Steve turns to me waving me over to him. I rush down to him and brace my self taking deep breaths.
"Right he's in there and just woke up. Prepare yourself, he might not look like the Liam you last saw" he says with a sad smile. My tears are blurring my vision and I just push through the door and freeze. Oh my god. My baby his beautiful face is battered. I wish them all dead. I wanna get my hands on them.
Rushing over to him I hold his hand and I feel a little squeeze from him.
"Baby it's me, I'm here" I say to him voice thick with emotion looking at his face.
"Where am I?" he asks groggily trying to sit up but winces in pain.
"No stay there baby, your in the hospital its gonna be OK, I'm here now" I tell him crying. Why would someone do this to him.
"Stacey? Baby.." he says looking in my direction.
"Yes it's me baby, I'm here don't worry" I tell him again and he looks like he can see me properly now through his blackened eyes.
"What happened? Why am I here? Fuck!" he says holding his side.
"I don't know baby, I was hoping you'd tell me" I say and he looks around the room confused.
"We need to leave here, get me out of here baby. I can't go back" he says and I break down not wanting him to either.
"I know baby, Steve's here too. He brought me" I tell him and he looks back at the door.
"Steve? Fuck.. I.." he pauses
"Its OK baby" I tell him with a sad smile.
The door opens and I turn to see Steve walk through to us. He pauses and runs his hand over his face.
"Fucking hell Liam, I'm sorry, I promise to sort this" he says and I look to him
"How, he can't go back there Steve, please" I beg him
"Don't make him go back I beg you" I say looking back at Liam.
"I remember them coming into my cell, I think four maybe five of them came at me. I really tried baby" he says and I see a tear slide down his cheek.
"It's OK, it's not your fault baby" I tell him holding his hand in mine.
"But it is, it was retaliation for the fucked up job we did, I think I took one or two out but then they jumped me and I dropped. After that I don't remember" he tells us and I nod understanding.
"One of them died, one is in here that I'm about to pay a visit to next and the rest are still in prison" he tells us and I just wanna go find them and kill them all. How dare they do this to my baby..
"Did I kill him? My memories are fuzzy. Help me out" he says and I look to Steve hoping he knows.
"Yes you did but don't worry you won't face any new charges" he tells Liam and I sigh with relief putting my head on the bed. Thank god.
"What's gonna happen now?" I ask Steve wanting to take Liam far away from all of this.
"We'll sort this once I'm done with my visit" he says and I nod my head pleased that he's dealing with it.
"Lay with me baby I need you" Liam tells me and I kick off my shoes and pull back the blanket crawling into him slowly not to hurt him. He wraps his arm around me and I cry into him.
"I can't believe this happened baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't there" I cry and he shushes me soothingly.
"It's not your fault, don't blame yourself baby, this is on me. Just don't leave me please" he says sadly and I shake my head.
"I'll never leave you baby, I love you" I tell him and kiss him gently. He winces and I freeze.
"It's OK. I'm OK. I love you baby" he tells me and I lay back on him cuddling into him missing this feeling. He holds me tight to him and I let my tears slowly come to a stop needing to be strong for him like Steve said.
"Where can we go if you don't go back?" I ask him looking back up to him.
"I don't care as long as your there, I can't go back there, I don't know if I'll survive another day" he says and I can't help the tears again at what he says.
"Don't say things like that baby it scares me to leave you, I was so worried when I didn't hear from you. I knew something bad had happened but this.. This is alot for you" I tell him gesturing to him.
"I thought I was going to die and never see you again. I'm putting you through so much baby I'm soo sorry" he tells me and I cover his mouth with my finger.
"I don't care Liam, I love you too much to walk away. I'll never walk away from you" I tell him honestly.
"Maybe you should baby, you don't deserve this shit look at you, I'm breaking you each day with something new all over again" he says and I shake my head no.
"This is my decision Liam, don't push me away because I'm going nowhere.. please" I beg and look into his eyes.
"I don't want to baby.. but.." he pauses  again thinking.
" kills me to be without you, but it's killing me more breaking you" he says and I move sitting up to look at him.
"Where not fucking doing this Liam, I'm not going anywhere regardless of what you say, you hearing me. NOWHERE" I tell him sternly wiping my eyes.
How can he be saying all this again. I can't leave him. I need him just as much as he needs me.
"Baby... I went to prison now I'm in hospital how could you want this? Want me.. My love is fucking you up like I said" he says crying and I just want to hit some sense into him.
"Shut your fucking mouth! I don't want to hear another word about this. I'm with you because I want you.. Because I love you Liam, no ifs, buts or maybes. I'm staying with you" I start to raise my voice
"I just want what's best for you baby.. Not me" he says and I grab his hand again.
"You are what's best for me. We love each other. That's all that matters baby.. Our love" I tell him holding back my emotions.
"OK baby, I just needed to say it so you know you don't have to stay.. I'll understand" he says softly.
"Well I want to so I'm staying with you no matter what happens I'll always be here with you. I'm yours baby like your mine" I say making sure he knows.
I won't allow him to put our love down and push me away when he needs me now more than anything. I need to make him feel better. I can and will do this.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now