Chapter 109

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Steve finally comes back rolling down his sleeves and just watches us laying together smiling.
"Two down, two maybe three left.." Steve says to us smiling still.
"Can we take Liam somewhere?" I ask him hoping he can do something other than send him back to prison.
"The wheels are already in motion. We'll be leaving tonight and taking you both somewhere away from here and all of this. Don't do what I did Liam. You need each other now more than ever believe me" Steve says and I smile at him. Atleast he's on my side with this. I just hope he can talk some sense into Liam.

Checking the time I see it's nearly 11pm and see Steve come back in.
"There's a car outside waiting. I need you sweetheart to come with me while this all happens you will see Liam soon. I promise" he tells me and I don't want to leave him. I look back at Liam and he nods agreeing with Steve.
"I don't want to leave him Steve, what if something happens?" I ask him and he sighs.
"Sweetheart you need to come with me now. It's already happening we have five minutes say a quick goodbye I'll be waiting outside the doors" he says and walks off before I have a chance to argue. Shit!
"Baby, it's gonna be OK. Steve's right, you can't be here, I'll see you soon. I promise. I love you" he tells me and I shake my head.
"You can't promise me that Liam. You don't know its gonna be OK. What if something goes wrong I won't even know" I say and he sighs.
"You can go on your own or I can call Steve back in to carry you out. It's your choice.. Either way your going, please stop making this hard. Because if you do stay I'll refuse to leave and I will go back to prison" he says and I kiss him to shut him up.
"Im going, I'll see you soon Liam. I love you baby" I tell him and climb out the bed quickly putting my shoes on and grabbing my purse. With one last look I exit the room.
"Good girl, let's go quick, it's happening" he says and drags me down the corridor through doors and back out the entrance and into an awaiting car.
"Where are we going?" I ask him as the car pulls off.
"To your favourite place sweetheart" he says with a smile and I instantly know where he means.

Pulling up at the big metal gates again I smile to myself thinking of the memories of being here with Liam before.
Coming to a stop I watch as the gates close and Steve climbs out so I follow him and enter the mansion I love. It feels good to be back. Walking into the living room I see a doctor waiting and Steve walks over to him.
"Go make yourself a drink or something sweetheart while we wait, I'll speak to the doc" he says and I nod walking off to the kitchen I love.
Opening the cupboard where I know the alcohol is, I grab the rum needing something strong and drink from the bottle not caring. Swigging it down Steve walks into the room and looks at me.
"You can handle your alcohol girl" he says chuckling and I smile looking at him.
"Blame Liam" I tell him and drink some more..
"Right the docs gonna be staying here with you so he can watch over Liam and make sure he's OK.. And they are nearly here too" he tells me and I beam happily. It actually worked. He's coming to me. Oh my God he's coming back to me.
"Thank you so much Steve. I don't know what we'd do without you" I tell him and throw my arms around him hugging him tightly.
"Your welcome sweetheart, I did tell you we look after our own" he says and I nod happily.
Pulling away he looks me over making sure I'm OK I presume and nods.
"I'll be in the office untill they get here I need to do something" he says and I nod understanding and make my way to the stairs with the bottle to wait for Liam.

Constantly checking my phone I think there taking awfully long.. Where the fuck are they? When I hear the gates bang closed. I jump up running to the door and swing it open. I run to the car and see Liam in the back seat and he looks to be in agonizing pain. I open the door and hand him the bottle. He grabs it fast and gulps it down before he accepts my help off helping him out the car.
"Let's get you inside baby" I tell him with my arm wrapped around his waist and his over my shoulder and he awkwardly walks towards the front door.
Entering I see Steve lock up a door and make his way over to help me help Liam.
"I've got him sweetheart" he says and I don't let go not wanting to leave him again. I'm not going to leave his fucking side while we're together.

After getting Liam into the hospital bed, the doctor checked him over and he's still ok thank God.
Steve left promising to visit to check on us and get someone to bring whatever we needed.
"Come lay with me baby, I need to feel you" he says and the doctor leaves the room.
I kick my shoes off and decide to take off my jeans to get comfortable with him properly.
"I've missed you being like this with me. Just laying in my arms baby" he tells me making me smile.
"You have no idea how much I have. I sleep in your clothes Liam so I can smell you and feel like your close to me" I tell him and he holds me tighter..
"I received your pictures beautiful, you didn't have to do that for me but I really appreciated them" he says randomly and I forgot about them.
"I'm glad you liked them, I thought you'd like to have some of me, sorry they wasn't like.. Inappropriate if that's what you wanted" I say looking down feeling awkward.
"No baby they were perfect, just like you. I was just happy to see you to be honest. It really helped" he says and it takes me a minute to understand what he ment.
"Wait.. You actually.. Nevermind" I say chuckling.
"Absolutely beautiful" he says laughing then coughs. Fuck.
"Shit I'm sorry" I say moving and he pulls me back to him.
"No baby, I'm OK" he says breathing heavily. Looking back at his face I touch it lightly tracing the bruises and wonder how the rest of him looks. He seems to be in alot of pain and I don't know how to help him. I need to do something..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now