Chapter 111

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Waking up and I roll over to Liam who's still fast asleep. I climb off the bed to stretch my body from the awkward nights sleep and make my way to the kitchen and see the doctor.
"Good morning Stacey" he says to me with a warm smile
"Morning, can I ask you something?" I ask him and he nods at me.
"How long will he be bed ridden for doc, truthfully?" I ask him and he sighs.
"From my observations, I'd say at least three weeks but it could be longer, his injuries are quite severe right now but the swelling and bruising should go down in the next week or so" he tells me with a sad smile and I nod.
"Thanks for being honest Doc, can I give him a bath today.. He really needs one" I ask him and he laughs a little.
"If he's up to it then I don't see why not, just be extra careful with the dressing but I can always redo it if I need to" he says and I smile.
"Thanks, how long will the morphine keep him out for, can he eat?" I ask him and he smiles again.
"Yes but nothing to heavy his stomach has received alot of damage from the kicks and stomping, but yes he needs to eat to keep his strength up so make sure he does please even if it's little bits and often. It's better than nothing" he says and I nod again.
"OK thank you, how long are you staying for?" I ask and he shrugs.
"It all depends on his recovery but I should be out of your hair soon as he's up and moving around" he says and I smile.
"Thankyou for everything your doing for him, he's not the best patient I know" I tell him grinning and he chuckles.
"I've had worse but I'd be the same, us men are stubborn when it comes to pain" he tells me and I laugh. He's right about that.
"You can say that again" I laugh and walk to the fridge ready to make some breakfast.
"Scrambled eggs will be OK right?" I ask him and he nods smiling.
"Yes it's light and full of nutrition that's good for him and his healing" he says and I pull out the tray walking over to the cooker.
"Ok good, did you want something?" I ask him and he shakes his head holding up his cup.
"Coffees my breakfast, I'll leave you. If you need me I'll be around" he says and strolls off.

After scrambling a bunch of eggs and eating my toast I pour Liam's into a bowl and grab a fork. Walking back into the Liam I see him awake and he smiles seeing me
"I wondered where you went to baby" he says and I hold up the bowl.
"Making you breakfast, that prison food couldn't be to nice" I say chuckling sitting next to him.
"It's got nothing on yours beautiful, but I'm not feeling upto eating" he says and I shrug..
"Dont care, doc says you have to, to keep up your strength to heal quicker. So your eating, I'll feed you" I tell him sternly and he sighs opening his mouth for me.
"Good boy" I tease and he scoffs at me
"It's just seasoned scrambled eggs, you don't have to eat it all baby just some off it please for me" I ask him and he nods.
"Fine, I'll eat it as long as I can have my treasure after" he says and I giggle blushing I've missed my baby.
"Open wide" I tell him and put some into his mouth.

After feeding Liam half of the food I kiss him smiling into it.
"Thank you for eating something baby, I know you didn't really want to but I appreciate it" I tell him and he sighs relieved that he's done.
"And doc said if you want a bath I can do that for you too if your up for it" I tell him and he perks up.
"Absolutely baby, we'll go soon. I want a spliff man fuck" he whines and I go over to my bag and pull one out.
"I knew you'd want one after you woke up so I have one for you, now stop complaining" I tell him and he grins taking the spliff.
Putting the bowl down he pats the bed for me to lay with him and I grab an ashtray and a lighter for him and he passes it back to me.
"You spark it beautiful" he says handing it over.

Laying back I feel extra high not smoking for over a day now and wonder how Liam's feeling?
"I've missed this, being high with you, kicking back chilling" he says and suddenly chuckles..
"Whats funny? Weirdo you high" I ask him and laugh and he nods laughing again. Bless him.
"You should of seen Stefan baby he's like a tank now" he says and my jaw drops
"Wow, what was he even doing in there, he was so good at school unlike some" I look at him raising a brow and he chuckles again.
"He went in for theft of a car after he left school and bulked out alot. Then he did something inside that he wouldn't tell me so got a longer sentence" he tells me and I sigh shaking my head.
"I drove your car alot by the way" I tell him and he raises his brow
"Great, I seen the way you drive baby" he says laughing and I look at him shocked rude much Liam. I thought smiling at him, it's good to see and hear him laughing again after so long of sadness.
"There's nothing wrong with my driving, have you seen your own. Your like a crazed mad man" I tell him laughing and he laughs more then stops coughing holding his side.
"FUCK dont make me laugh so much it hurts" he says trying not to laugh again.
"Now for this bath beautiful" he winks at me and I know his game. He's after my treasure..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now