Chapter 113

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Three weeks later

"I don't want to go home" I tell him as I wrap my arms around him holding him to me.
"I know beautiful but it's just for a day I'll see you Friday for the weekend and I'm much better now anyways docs even gone" he says and I sigh knowing he's right.
"I love you baby" he tells me kissing me affectionately.
"I love you too, be good please and don't do to much, if you need me I'm a phone call away" I tell him and he nods kissing me again.
"I'll miss you beautiful stay safe" he says and closes the door after I climb into the back of the car. Waving out the window the gates open and close on him and I turn around in my seat feeling sad to be leaving him here alone.

Arriving back at home I climb out the car and open my front door to see my mum.
"Oh my god Stacey.. Where have you been I was worried sick" she says to me and hugs me to her. Hugging her back I don't know what to say not wanting to tell her so I stay quiet.
"Not now mum, I need to just be on my own" I tell her and run up the stairs.
"The police have been here, they said Liam escaped from hospital, do you know anything about that?" she questions and I pause spinning and put on my show.
"What? Noo!" I start to mini panic and run back down the stairs
"I need to find him mum, oh my god I thought he was OK" I say and start crying.
"It's gonna be OK baby" she says hugging me again and I break down needing to let out all my built up emotions from everything over the past few weeks and sniffle when she pulls away.
"I need to find him mum" I say to her and she sighs..
"Baby he's gone just leave him" she says and I shake my head.
"But I love him mum, I can't" I tell her and she sighs again.
"I know you do but it's for the best, just go get some rest and I'll check on you soon" she says and I nod slowly turning walking up the stairs smiling. I did good I tell myself. She clearly believes me!
Pulling my phone out I text Liam's new number..

Stacey: Just got home baby, I'll ring you soon I love you and miss you already XXXXX

Hitting send I put my phone down locking it and make my way into the bathroom to quickly shower and change for work.. If I still have a job.

Standing in my bedroom in my towel I decided to ring Anne and ask instead of turning up.
"Hey Anne it's Stacey.. Do I still have a job?" I ask her and she sighs
"I'd love to say yes but you didn't call or anything so I hired someone else hun I'm sorry" she says and I drop on my bed sad. I loved my job aswell.
"OK that's fine. Thank you for everything you've learnt me. I appreciate it" I tell her and we hang up. We'll that's shit I came home for nothing..

Seeing Liam's text back I check it.

Liam: Good to know baby, I miss you already, are you going to work? I love you too XXXXX

Stacey: I've lost my job baby, I want to come back pleaseeeee I'll love you forever XXXXX

Liam: Aww I'm sorry beautiful, you can come back if you bring me some weed and my treasure XXXXX

Stacey: Shall I drive up or you want to send the car back? I'm getting ready now let me know XXXXX

Liam: I'll send the car back give me a minute XXXXX

Stacey: OK, how much weed you need? Do you need anything from your house? XXXXX

Liam: There on there way back to you, grab two ounces and I'll pay you baby don't worry, and you mean our home.. No I'm fine it's hot going there anyway XXXXX

Stacey: Our home sorry.. OK I'll text them now and ask them to get it sorted and pick it up on the way I'll see you soon baby XXXXX

Scrolling through my contacts I find Poppy and text her.

Stacey: Are you home babe let me know

Putting my phone down I quickly get dressed in my black girly tracksuit and pull on my socks and trainers. Opening my box I pull out four hundred and tuck it into my bag ready for Poppy. Brushing my hair I pull it up into a ponytail and pack my weekend bag full of shit that I might need while I'm there.
Looking at my phone I see a text.

Poppy: I'm home come round babe

Good thank god. I need a spliff aswell.
Looking around my room I have everything I need and run back down the stairs.
Quickly flying out the door before my mum says anything.
"Stacey" I hear and I look to see Victor standing there. Fuck sake.
"What Victor, I'm in a rush" I tell him and he nods.
"Yeah I gathered, I heard Liam's escaped, and you're no where to be seen.. So you must be with him" he says and I sigh
"Actually I'm not and I only just found out he escaped, what's it got to do with you anyways" I say and he looks me over.
"Dont lie Stacey, I know you've lost your job aswell. Your on the run with him, he's turned you into a criminal too" he spits angrily and I step back confused.
"What I do has nothing to do with you Victor, you need to leave me alone" I tell him and climb into the back of the car again.
"Sorry about that" I tell the driver and give him the address to Poppy's.

Climbing back out the car I knock on her door and she opens it inviting me in.
"Two ounces please babe" I tell her
"Two ounces, you having a party?" Poppy says laughing as she sorts it for me.
"Have fun babe" she says and hands me a bag and I laugh.
"Will do babe, thanks" I tell her handing over the money and turning to leave.
Jogging back I climb into the car and relax back.
"I need a shop please" I tell him and he nods his head.
Turning the corner I see police and my heart starts to race. Fuck I can't be bothered with them.
"Go to another one please" I tell him and he nods again this time with a smile clearly seeing the police himself.

After running around I finally make it back to Liam and climb out the car.
"Hey baby, I'm back" I call out
Walking through the mansion I find him in the kitchen making food.
"Baby, your doing to much if your hungry I could of bought you something" I tell him and he shakes his head at me.
"I'm fine baby, I'm making us dinner" he says and I smile at him walking over to him and seeing what he's making. Mac 'n' cheese
"Smells great, I brought you your weed high head" I say laughing and he takes the bag passing me the spoon to finish the food.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now