saying goodbye <3

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(this takes place at y/n's house, your parents have arranged a trip to London and couple months ago. Y'all will be staying at your mother's mom's house for a couple months while her mother is away, your mom never tells you much stuff about her family or her past, all you know is her mother lives in London, but you never thought about asking your father or mom about your mother's past, you know your mom has always been a very secretive person, and a very adventurous and clever women, and you know she cares and loves for you and your brother very much, now for the story to get started)

My mom had been bugging me to get my stuff packed for the trip, I had been begging her to let me stay with my best friend Peyton while they stay in London, I didn't want to leave and have to homeschool in London for a couple months.

Y/n: mom! Why do I have to go to London, Peyton's parents already said I could stay with them while y'all are gone, they said it woul-

Mom: y/n, hush! I've heard enough of you asking about staying with Peyton, your coming with your family.

Y/n: mom please. I don't wanna leave school... I'm gonna miss my friends so much.

Mom: I know you will sweetie, but it's not like we're moving to London, we're just staying while grandma has to get some things figured out and can't stay home.

Y/n: I've never even met her, why do we have to stay in her house for a couple months...

Mom: y/n. I know your going to miss your friends. But you will be fine, and maybe you'll be some new ones in London. Being here can also maybe help you express your self, and your getting old enough, maybe you can start looking for some colleges?

Y/n: mom, no, me and Peyton have already planned to go to college together.

Mom: *laughs* okay, whatever you say. But get your stuff packed, we leave for the flight Sunday morning.

Y/n: can I go by Peyton's and Addisons house tomorrow, so I can say goodbye to them?

Mom: of course you can sweetie. Okay, goodnight, I love you.

(Sorry I changed it from first person, I just going to be the people talking, sorry. Also, peyton and Addison are the readers best friends, y/n has known peyton since diapers, and they met Addison on the playground of 3rd grade when they were all 9.)

The next morning.

Y/n: mom I'm going to Peyton's house, Addison is going to meet up there. Text me if you need me!

Mom: wait! Eat breakfast first.

Y/n: okay, fine.

*I grab a granola bar and a juice pouch*

Dad: you excited about the trip?

Y/n: I'm stoked *I said in a sarcastic tone

Dad: *laughs* alright, be safe.

Y/n: of course dad.

I rode my bike to Peyton's house, I just couldn't stop thinking about how different it's going to be in London, I don't even know what we're house sitting for my grandma, my mom hardly even talked to her, or about her. I'm gonna miss my friends so much, and everyone at school, but I'm happy we're not staying for to long, just a couple months... *ugh

At Peyton's house

Peyton: I don't see why they don't let you stay here, I have everything you need, a bed, food, WiFi!

Y/n: I know peyton! I've been begging them to let me stay with y'all for weeks and they keep saying no.

Addison: we're gonna miss you so much y/n, it not gonna be the same without you.

Peyton: for real. *she said is a sad tone*

*we all hugged each other and began to talk about our future and what we would all do whenever I got back.

*ding, checks phone*

y/n: hey y'all, my mom said I need to get back now...

Addison: so this is it, we're not gonna see you for 3 months *she said if a voice sounding like she wanted to burst into tears.

Peyton: *wipes tears* we're gonna miss you so much... *hugs me super tight*

Y/n: I'm gonna miss y'all even more.

(Yea, y'all are probably waiting to meet Noah lol, basically your not gonna meet him in this chapter, this is just saying goodbye to her friends, can't say when your gonna meet him :) hope you enjoyed chapter 1 <3 )

Young love in london🤍🗼(Noah jupe story) Where stories live. Discover now