𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Inside the house, pale lights glared down on Sage as she followed everyone into the living room. Edward regarded her with cautious eyes; her thoughts were blocked by the pointless memories that she kept careening towards the front of her mind. She carefully put her head down, not meeting his gaze and sitting beside Sam on the couch.

Everyone settled in, Seth taking a seat to Sage's right. He grinned, though it was hesitant, perhaps because he believed her to still be weary of him. Sage's lips curled, even if her own was fake. Seth's happiness was contagious--overflowing until her own murderous intent was momentarily forgotten; it was like he was his own version of Jasper.

It returned, however, like a wave crashing back to the shore, welcome and fleeting but steady all at once. Sage inhaled through her nose, clenching her muscles together so she wouldn't reach for Sam. Gone was her eagerness from earlier. The conversation about the imprint sat uncomfortably in her mind, warranting caution.

When her memories had disappeared, it was the imprint bond that kept Sam protected. It was the very reason that she escaped from the Volturi a second time. But now, sitting beside him and knowing that it was not too long ago that they were speaking about denying said bond made her a bit. . . touchy. Sage was unsure if she would be overstepping boundaries--her's or Sam's, she didn't know--so she kept to herself, only allowing him to sit close to her instead of curling herself around him like she craved to do.

She clenched her hands between her thighs, biting her lip. Edward breathed a sigh of annoyance before Carlisle captured her attention.

"Sage," he said, and she brought her clouded eyes over to his figure. Ocher eyes glared through crimson and she nodded. "Can you tell me exactly what you remember?"

"Preferably the truth," Edward added, frustrated. His brow furrowed.

Sage smiled grimly. "Edward, I would never be dishonest to your coven when you have shown me nothing but wondrous hospitality."

In her head, the memory of Edward trying to kill her flashed. He snarled lowly, deep in his throat.

"This isn't a joke," he snapped.

Sage laughed hollowly. Was it not?

"I am not spying for the Volturi, if that is your concern." She leaned forward, contemplative. "I am aware most of you believed that to be so when I first arrived, so I will assure you now, Aro did not send me to assassinate the Olympic coven. I do not know what you saw from Sam's thoughts, but it was Felix who instructed me to flee from the castle. I am unsure if Aro has realized it yet."

Edward nodded, accepting the memory. He had already seen that in Sam's thoughts.

Alice, from her spot against the window, frowned. She said, "But I didn't see him decide. . . I was watching all of their decisions, it wouldn't have been something that I missed."

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now