𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Sage's first memories of her vampiric life were of her trying to cease her own existence. Many times, she tried to drown herself only to find out she didn't need air the same way humans did. When that failed, she attempted fire, recreating the way that she was first killed. She tied herself to a stake on a lonely night and prayed to anyone to save her before she lost her soul completely.

It failed, and she remembered this pleased Aro. It pleased him the most. His smile was devilish and his purrs were praising. The fire died out, and even though she broke her limbs off to speed the process up, she remained unscathed when the embers faded to ash.

Years went by, and then came the whisper of the Ancient One--the Cure.

Vampires everywhere were terrified of the power that she wielded. No vampire came back from visiting her. They were lost in the wind, broken into nothing. There was no chance of survival if one met her, even once.

It was said that she could bring vampires' worst fears to life--that her powers took away the very thing that kept them immortal. The Cure--Masika was her formal name, whispered in fear when they thought no one could hear--could deprive a vampire of their immortality with just a bite.

At first, the thought of a vampire with that much power lured Sage in; she wanted, needed, to end the awful existence that she was forced into. She wanted to meet Masika, to beg her to just bite her--just once. To end it all so that she might experience peace since the traditional ways were dysfunctional. But, when Aro saw that, when he looked into her eyes, and saw that she craved to meet Masika, he threatened her with it.

Each time that she and Felix would skirmish, each time she feared her death, it was because Aro claimed he knew where Masika was--that she would come instantly to his call. Felix would only have to tear her apart, then Masika would bite her. Sage would be nothing. She would crumble as her body changed from porcelain to flesh, as blood ran through her veins instead of venom.

When she thought of her execution, she thought of being torn apart, of being taken to the vampire that held the power that all vampires' feared. Aro made it to where she would not find peace in her last moments. He wanted her to know that her desires would end with torment, and she lived with that knowledge for millenia. It was another choice taken from her.

Even now, the fear touched her in the most vulnerable places, reaching for her mind. It felt like Sage might go mad. She kept the routine thoughts to the forefront so Edward couldn't touch her fear, but Jasper's powers were dawning on her, trying to stop the panic from touching every inch of her. Everyone questioned Alice; no one knew who Masika was. No one but Carlisle, who only pursed his lips, humming thoughtfully underneath his breath. He seemed a bit cautious though, perhaps scared.

He steadied his gaze on Sage, rushing over with supernatural speed to rest his hands on her cheeks. Sage stared back with an empty gaze, feeling helpless--like she was already dead. Not even Jasper's sway could stop the sinking of her stomach. Her fate was sealed. She would die. How could he not see that? How could he not run when he realized what this meant for him? For his family?

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now