𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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The deer was quicker, quicker than the ones that Sage normally fed on, but she leaped through the air, snarling low in her throat as she took a giant bite out of the jugular. It bleated, but Sage just pressed down harder, angry and so starved that she could barely think. Though it had barely been a week since she's fed, hunger ravaged her like a beast.

It was done in minutes. When she finished, Sage wiped the bit of blood off the corner of her mouth, and stood, dusting her jeans off.

Seth snuggled into her affectionately as she passed him, snorting when she pushed him away playfully. Sage snickered, but the stone in her chest reappeared as they reached the group of wolves and vampires sparring.

Emmett and Paul were in an intense match, Paul trying to snap at Emmett's face, Emmett holding him back by the shoulders. Every time Paul's mouth closed, it sounded like a tree falling, cracking almost like thunder.

"Feel better?" Carlisle asked.

Sage nodded, though the sentiment was not there. The loom of Masika and the Volturi weighed over them like the grey clouds above them promising rain. Carlisle did not wish to bother anyone from the other covens (but Sage knew it was because she had been on the other side last time; no one would help even if he asked), so it was just them--just the Cullens, Sage, and the shapeshifters.

Too small.

She feared that it would not be enough. Part of her knew that it wouldn't.

Seth rubbed against her one more time before he decided to run at Emmett from the side, growling playfully. Leah barked a warning. Sage grinned weakly, glad that they were having a good time even with the threat getting closer everyday.

As Carlisle walked away, Sam stepped toward her with a snort falling from his wolf's mouth. He watched Edward join the fight, and Sage watched him. Amongst the others, he was laid back as well, an ease to his movements that Sage has never associated with his wolf. She would have loved to see it any other time, but right now it just made her tense.

They haven't discussed what happened. Sage was ashamed of her words, but Sam would not allow her to apologize for them. He understood that they both said things that they did not mean, and therefore it was all forgiven.

That was not to say that it was not awkward. Before Sage was captured, she was only starting to comprehend what an imprint meant and why it was important to Sam and who he was. When she returned, there was no time to process it--to process him or the fluctuating emotions that rushed through her every time she glanced at Elis.

If she didn't focus on the threat the Volturi presented, everything would fall to pieces. Sage would collapse on herself like a trench in the ocean. Rocks piled in a dark abyss, pressing down on her--one stone for each issue she was not able to control. Affording to worry about the odd dance her and Sam were in or the tentative smiles but awkward silences her brother gave her meant she could afford to let them die.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now