𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Sage paused, trying to take in the information. She glanced between Edward and Felix, certain this was some kind of cruel joke she wasn't a part of.

Both of their faces were solemn. Felix nodded at the words coming out of Edward's mouth.

Sage released her grip on Sam, her mind whirling. It was as though the ground was tilting underneath her feet. The words echoed in her mouth, over and over again, but there's no way that they could be truthful.

"I was—" she started, choking on the words. She looked at Felix, desperate. "Felix, I was created by Aro. You know this. There's no— I could not have been created by a god."

"So you say," Felix replied, looking as lost as Sage. His eyes were accepting though. Of course he was; he had time to accept that Sage was created by something else, that Aro's deceit went further than white lies. "But Khari cannot find a memory of Aro ever changing you, Little One. It is blank."

"Khari," Sage said, tersely glaring at him. Khari nodded, the action seemingly painful. Sam hesitantly stepped towards her, but there was something uncoiling in her—a monster that she didn't want anyone touching—so she pulled away, breathing deeply through her nose. "This cannot be true."

"Sage," Carlisle said, walking forward, "we must take their words as candor. Edward, do you see deceit in their thoughts?"

"No," Edward said, voice thick. "They honestly believe they're speaking the truth." He sounded astounded.

"That is probably because we are, Eddy boy," Felix called with a scoff. "I would never be dishonest when it comes to Sage's life."

"So I see," Edward muttered.

Sage stared at Felix for a long, long time. "You are lying, Felix. Aro told me that he was the one who changed me."

Felix glared at her. "I would not risk my life or my mate's to tell you lies, Little One."

"You would if it meant we'd be distracted until you surrounded us."

"You think too little, as usual. I have no reason to do something so sinister, though it would please me greatly." Felix smirked. "I never have the upperhand on you. It feels superb to see you shocked by something I've done, horrible news aside."

Sage sighed through her nose, rolling her eyes. "You have done nothing but bring lies to us. We could be using this time to train."

"It's not going to be a battle between you and the Volturi, if that's what you're thinking," Felix retorted, face twisting. "I think Masika wants you all to herself."

"Like hell!" Emmett scoffed. "We can take her down."

The wolves snorted in agreement, Sam's entire form trembling beside Sage. She, herself, felt like an earthquake, like everything around her was shaking and spilling over with secrets untold. Her shadows were restless around her, snaking their way over her arms and her legs like snakes.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now