Chapter 114

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It's been a few days since I got back again and Liam's feeling alot better finally.
We're taking a swim and trying to build up his strength in his body.
"You're doing so well baby, keep coming" I call out from the middle of the pool.
He slowly swims arcoss and picks me up.
"Nothing will stop me from getting to you baby" he tells me kissimg my neck.
"Good to know baby, now again" I tell him and swim to the edge of the pool. He swims a little faster this time and picks me up sitting me on the ledge standing between my legs.
"Your doing better than you did yesterday, you'll be back to yourself in no time" I  tell him smiling happy for him.
"Thanks to you baby, I couldn't do any of this without you helping me. I'd be a mess feeling sorry for myself" he says and I kiss him feeling appreciated.
"That's what I'm here for baby, I love you" I tell him and he smiles.
"I love you too but it's a shame you didn't wear a sexy nurse's outfit" he says kissing up my thigh
"What would be the point of that, we can't do anything anyway" I tease raising a brow at him.
"Is that how it is baby? I'll show you what I can do right now" he says smugly running his hands up and down my legs.
"Hmm am sure you could, but doc says otherwise babes" I say and he sighs rolling his eyes.
"Docs not even here and he's still cock blocking me, fuck" he says and I laugh. My poor baby..
"I'm cock blocking myself, I've never wanted you so much in my life, and being here brings back so much" I tell him as I watch his wandering hands.
"Fuck baby, that's not helping. I'm so fucking hard it hurts, just looking at you turns me on never mind you telling me how much you want me" he says putting his head down between my legs and sighing.
I run my hands over his growing hair and lift him up to look at me.
"We have like three days left baby, am sure we can wait" I tell him and lean down to kiss him.
"What's three days? I need you baby" he tells me and I shake my head
"Alot for your healing we're not setting you back again baby you can just pleasure me" I tease lifting up my legs and spreading them.
"Your going to use my treasure against me? Your not playing fair baby" he says running a finger over my protruding clit.
"Just because you can't cum, doesn't mean I can't" I tease pumping my pussy at him and he licks his lips.
"You'll never stop cumming" he says seductively pushing my binkini bottoms to the side exposing his treasure.
"So sexy, hello my treasure" he says looking at my cleft.
"It will always be yours baby" I tell him as he slides in a finger and pulls it out tasting me.
"Perfectly tasty, I really need to fuck you baby.. Please" he whines towards the end and I laugh biting my lip.
"Soon baby, I promise it will be worth the wait" I tell him and he smiles.
"Always worth the wait baby, I just hate waiting and not being able to use it" he says sadly and I pout at him playfully.
"My poor baby" I tease smiling at him and he groans.
"Once I'm back to fucking you I'll be doing it consistently to make up for all these months baby, I'm sorry you've had to wait" he says sighing and I grab his face looking him in the eyes.
"Your more important than sex baby, I don't care about that I just want you to be better" I tell him and he smiles.
"My perfect baby, how did I get so lucky?" he asks and I kiss him lovingly.
"That's what I ask myself everyday about you too" I say grinning happily down at him.
"Whenever we're alone everything's always perfect.. Its clearly other people interfering in our relationship that fucks us up" I tell him my thoughts and he nods sighing.
"I know what you mean beautiful, I wish it was that simple but they'll always be people around" he tells me and rests his head on my thigh.
"I wish we could stay here forever, just me and you in this place" I tell him and he nods again.
"So do I baby, and we might have to for a while anyways. I can't go back to prison yet" he says and I look at him.
"Yet? What do you mean yet? .. You can't go back period" I tell him seriously and he looks away.
Has he only gone on the run to heal.. He can't actually be serious about going back there.. What if something worse happens. I already nearly lost him. I can't do that again.
"We can't spend our life on the run baby, it's not fair on you" he says and I shrug.
"We can just stay here forever" I tell him being serious and he sighs. How naive am I?
"I'd love to but.."
"No buts we are not having this conversation" I tell him getting up and walking away. I can't do this.. Not again.

After taking a long shower I sit in my towel and think about what Liam said. How could he want to go back to prison. I shake my head and pull on some shorts and a t-shirt and walk back out to find Liam.
Walking around the mansion I find him in the garden kicking shit out of the plant pots like before. Shit he's mad!
"Baby, calm down" I tell him approaching him.
"Don't touch me, I need to release this anger before I explode" he demands stepping away from me.
"You need to think about your recovery baby, please" I tell him and he doesn't listen just continues. Fuck!
"Fuck my recovery, I'm done with that shit!" he spits angrily. And I sigh.
"I'll leave you then shall I?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"If that's what you want to do" he says and I sigh heavily again. How the fuck did this happen?
"I'll go bill up and I'll be back" I tell him and he ignores me. Great!
I should of kept my fucking mouth shut! But how can I when he's talking about going back to a place he barely survived. I can't lose him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now