Chapter 1

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Did you know that cats can sleep between 16-18 hours a day? I wish i was a cat. I sigh as I reach over to stop the blaring noise of my alarm that decided to jolt me out of my peaceful dreams.

Its Monday. The most universally hated day of the week. The day that results in a weekend of relaxation being interrupted just so you can spend a greulling 5 days at school, waiting for the weekend.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and pad to the bathroom. As I stare in despair at my reflection in the mirror and wonder if somewhere in a parallel universe am I standing in the exact same spot only happy at what I see in the mirror. Maybe my red hair is styled perfectly, my skin clear and flawless. No such luck for me though.

Still half asleep I somehow manage to get ready and stumble out the front door to the car. As I clamber into the front seat my tights get caught, of course in my zombie state I simply pull the fabric so it is free. "Shit," i murmur picking at the large hole that had formed in my tights "perfect, just freaking perfect."

I wish I had've just stayed in bed.

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