Life and stuff...

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'Beep, beep, beep' Hattie's alarm went off with the horrible sound of Monday. 'School' she thought; Hattie hated school, who doesn't? She rose from her bed only to find max her dog sleeping at the end of her room. "Lucky thing" she said with a look of terror at the poor little dog "You don't have to get up for hell... I mean school! She pulled on her dressing gown and slumped down stairs, her mum was already up and making breakfast. "What's for breakfast mum?" Hattie shouted into the kitchen "Bacon pancakes" her mum shouted back. Just then Hattie's sister lily came it and sung "making pancakes, making bacon pancakes! Get some bacon and ya put it in a pancake! BACON PANCAKESSSSSS!" Hattie laughed and hugged her little sister. Maybe today was going to be a good day after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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