Chapter 116 Victor's POV

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Three days later

Where the fuck is she? I know she's with him. He's fucking up her life and I don't know how to get through to her anymore. Her phones turned off and I've been to the safehouse where I thought they'd be but nothing. Like she's disappeared in to thin air.
Smoking a spliff I think what she could be doing with him and try shake the thoughts away. What am I doing to myself. I need to move on. No I can't I tell myself. I need her away from Liam. That's the least I can do for her after everything we went through.
Standing up I grab my car keys and decide to do one last drive past he house for the night to see if I can see her.
Climbing into my car I start the engine and pull off towards Stacey's.

Driving past her house again I see a car pull up and I observe from my car and see Stacey jump out. Finally!
Pulling up I jump out my car and jog over to her.
"Stacey, thank god" I say and breath a sigh of relief.
"Victor what are you doing here it's late and I'm tired" she says and I look her over
"I was worried about you, and needed to know you was OK, where have you been?" I ask her and she looks at me gone out.
"It has nothing to do with you, why are you still hanging around Victor" she asks me and I just stare at her.
"Because I love you Stacey, what else would it be? Why are you doing this to yourself? You know you deserve better than living on the run with a criminal" I tell her and she sighs looking away from me running a hand through her hair.
"Well I don't love you Victor. Leave me alone what I do with MY LIFE is MY business" she raises her voice at me and that hurt. Whys she being such a bitch. Liam's turned her into someone she's not. I need to get her away from him and soon.
"Wow really, your gonna stand there and lie to me. What has Liam done to you this isn't you Stacey and you know it" I tell her and she laughs humorless..
"You have no fucking idea who I am. I dated you for a few months. Get over yourself Victor. And I ain't lying I loved you.. Past tense but I was never inlove with you" she says and I sigh heavily looking her over. What's happened to the Stacey I love because that's not her standing infront of me.
"Yes I do know you, and the way your acting right now is not the real you. Your sounding and acting like a criminal" I tell her and she laughs again.
"Well.. If the shoe fits and all" she says shrugging at me and I shake my head.
"How did we get to this, you was having my baby now your.. This" I gesture to her and she shrugs again.
"You pushed me away so deal with it Victor, you did this" she tells me and I look at her confused.
"That was before, I made a mistake but we were past that untill he showed up that morning.. He took you away from me and you let him. You allowed this to happen" I spit angrily now with the whole thing.
"You made us do dumb dares that brought us back together so blame yourself, Liam has always had my heart. You were just a distraction" she says and smiles at me
"Your being a fucking bitch Stacey, I did that to test you and you failed miserably by the way" I say and she laughs again.. Fuck!
"So let me get this right.. You thought you could test me with the love of my life who you knew was still inlove with me and thought you'd come out on top.. Your hilarious Victor, more fool you" she tells me and she's fucking right.. Why did I fucking do that...
"Your right, more fool me for still loving you even to this day. I went there for you not me, and this is how you repay me for helping him" I spit and she looks me over unimpressed.
"You didn't help him. I did! Now if you don't mind I have things I need to prepare for" she says grinning at me and opening her front door.
"Stacey.. I'll be waiting for you when he gets caught" I tell her and she slams the door in my face. Fuck! That came out wrong.. Shit! I didn't mean it how it sounded. Sighing heavily I make my way back to my car and climb in feeling absolutely shit and make my way back home. At least I know she's OK.. Ish

Arriving back home I make my way inside and head to the living room. Dropping down I sigh and think what the fuck am I going to do with her? I feel so lost without her. Is this how Liam felt for all those years.
I can't feel like this.. Not again!
Pulling out my phone I decide to text her instead as talking to her isnt working.

Victor: I didn't mean what I said. I just want you back Stacey. I'm sorry. Please listen to me I love you baby girl ❤️

Hitting send I sit back and spark a spliff hoping for a reply.
Feeling my phone vibrate I look to it and see she's text me back.

Stacey: LEAVE ME ALONE you said what you said and you ment it. If I lose him because of you I'll make you regret it I promise you that. Call me baby girl one more time.. I dare you! It cringes me the fuck out.. Repusles me.. Makes me physically sick!

You know what.. I hope he gets caught and never gets out! Fucking bitch..

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