Chapter 117

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"Mum I'm head out I'll see you later" I call out heading to my car. I've booked in at a salon to have the whole works done. Today is the day I finally get to have Liam and I've never been more excited about having sex before.
Pulling off I turn the music up and smile happy about seeing Liam soon. I miss him already.

Arriving at the salon I'm seated in the chair and get my hair done first. Wash cut and blow dried then curled aswell. Liam loves it curly.
"You look beautiful" the stylist tells me and I smile up at her through the mirror admiring myself.
"Thanks babe. Nails and eyebrows now" I say and she smiles at me leading me to a different part of the salon and lays me down for a beautician to henna my brows.

Looking at my nails I love them there perfect and my eyebrows look amazing finally.
"Thank you so much" I tell her smiling.
"Now for your waxing babes" the girl says and I smile knowing this is gonna hurt.
"Just my bikini line, legs and underarms please" I tell her and she nods getting everything ready.

Finally finished and feeling fucking sore I make my way to the reception and pay for everything.
"Thanks hun" she says and I smile at her leaving the salon happy.
Walking around the shops I look for some sexy lingerie to wear and I have a feeling he's gonna rip it off of me but still it will be worth it.
Walking into AnnSummers I browse sets and baby dolls thinking to buy both and choose when I get home so I grab a bunch of different things and head to the changing room to try them on.

After finding the perfect ones, I decide to purchase everything I grabbed thinking fuck it and head to the checkout.
Leaving the store I head back to my car with my bags and drive back home giddy to start getting ready.

Arriving back home I make my way in to the house and straight up stairs to my bedroom. I look for my black trench coat and pull it out laying it on my bed and head to the bathroom and run myself a relaxing bath.
Billing up quickly I climb into the bath with it surrounded by bubbles and sigh happily. Hearing my phone ring I dry my hand and grab my phone.
"Hey baby" I say answering smiling.
"Hello beautiful, you nearly ready?" he asks me and I swoosh the water around
"I've just got in the bath baby, I'll be with you soon, it takes ages so send the driver I'll be done by then" I tell him smoking feeling good. Nothing will ruin today I don't care.
"I wish I was there" he groans down the phone and I laugh a little thinking the same.
"I'm sure we can sort something when I get back" I tell him seductively and he groans again.. There's so much noise I wonder what he's doing?
"What are you doing? Where are you?" I ask him and he chuckles.
"You'll have to wait and see baby, don't be to long I miss you already" he says and I smile happy to know he feels the same.
"I miss you too baby, I'll be ready soon I'll ring you when I'm done OK" I tell him and he hums..
"OK, don't do nothing I wouldn't do" he says and I laugh thinking that's not alot then..
"I'll be good.. Untill I get there" I say and he groans louder.
"Ill be waiting for you beautiful. I love you" he tells me.
"I love you too baby, bye" I say and we hang up.

Standing back in my room drying my body I look at all the stuff laid out on my bed and decide on the red corset with no underwear. Fuck it..
Pulling it on I look myself over in the mirror and like what I see. I quickly do my makeup adding the bare minimal to my face I grab a clear gloss applying it to my lips and fluff my hair. Done.
Putting all my new bits into a bag I grab my straightens and put them into the bag too and call Liam..
"I'm done baby" I tell him when he answers and he groans again.
"I can't wait to see you baby, he's already on his way.. he'll be there soon" he says and I pull on my coat.
"One minute baby" he says and I quickly put the phone on my bed while I pull my hair out the back of my coat. Picking the phone back up he speaks
"He's outside now beautiful, I'll see you soon" he tells me and I feel a nervous buzz flow through me.
"OK, see you soon I love you bye" I say
"I love you too" he says and we hang up.. Grabbing my bag I make my way down stairs and out the door quickly. Seeing the car outside my house I climb in and smile at him.
"Thanks for waiting" I tell him and he smiles and nods at me.
The drives long and Im starting to get hot in this coat. I can't wait to get there and take it off because it wouldn't be appropriate in the car and I think Liam would kill him if he saw me in it.

Finally arriving there I climb out the car and make my way to the door.
Opening it I see rose petals scattered along the floor and up the stairs. Oh my God my baby.
"Baby, I'm here" I call out to him and I hear rushing around upstairs, then I see him pop his head out and walk down the stairs in my favorite shorts that shows off his impressive dick.
"Hello baby, your hair looks beautiful and I love the nails" he says and kisses me. He takes my bag and my hand in the other and leads me up the stairs nervously.
"Thanks baby, I thought you'd like them" I tease and we get to the bedroom door that's closed.
"Are you ready beautiful?" he asks me and I nod eagerly.
"Absolutely, I can't wait" I tell him and he chuckles opening the door..
"Close your eyes" he says and I do as he says.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now