The beginning of the end

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John opened his eyes. Today was the day that would change everything. The day he’d planned for so long has arrived. As soon as he got up he knew that there would be no way out for him. No chance to escape. He would do this. The hate inside of him grew with every step he made. Hate against himself but mostly hate against everyone who treated him under his respect. They’d all pay for this.

He needed to look unsuspicious, so he decided to dress like a teenager: Hoodie, jeans and some black Converse - besides the fact that he was a 22 years old man - this would work out. He grabbed his bag with the gun in it. He could feel its’ burning weight. He took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped outside.

Scott’s POV

About two hundred feet further, Scott stood in front of his mirror. He could understand why people called him Skittles. He’d always loved to dress colorful. Why should he dress like everyone else, when he could be different and outstanding? He made his way downstairs and wanted to jump the last three steps when he slipped, fell and landed on his already dark purple knees. He’d always been a little bit awkward so he was used to it. But anyways, he would never have a chance to fully rehab since this was at least the 4th time this week. What a great day this was going to be. He stepped outside as the wonderful spring smell greeted him. He enjoyed his walk to school. This was the only time when he could be all alone, the fresh air freeing his mind and taking it somewhere else. Lost in his own thoughts he recognized a slim and tall form on the other side of the walkway. A boy he’d never seen before, walking with heavy steps, head always down. He was wearing a hoodie, jeans and converse, carrying a backpack. He just looked like everyone else. The boys of his school dressed all the same, that’s the reason Scott dressed different. ‘How could one seem so depressed on such a beautiful day like this’ he thought to himself.

He walked inside his classroom, greeting his friends. How he loved them. They never failed to make him laugh. In love with his own life he never really thought about those who were trapped in their own mind, those, who didn’t feel like they belong. And the same way he never really thought of them, he didn’t think of the boy he’s seen just minutes ago. The boy was one of them. A genius, never accepted by society. Cruel things were going to happen today.

John’s POV

It felt weird to be in a school again since this was his most disliked place. But this would make things much easier. ‘Dressed up as the new student, no one would suspect a thing’ he thought as he entered his new classroom. He took in the view that greeted him. There was this one boy, dressed awful in so many colors, who tripped over all bags as he made his way to the back. John had to giggle at this weird sight. What a weird feeling to laugh again in such a long time. Whatever, that boy would definitely not prevent him. There was a group of girls laughing in the back of the class. They all looked the same. Blonde, tall and wearing Hollister. Something John detested. Some boys were sitting there too and some outsiders. Dark memories flashed in his mind. Memories that’ve played like moving pictures in his head for years. How he hated school. It gave I him deep wounds. Wounds so deep, they never show, they’d never go away. Even his parents, who’ve never been at home and never really cared about him, didn’t recognize that their son wasn’t all right. And he’d never be all right. All those awful things he was told – they cut like a razorblade. The hate grew steadily and adrenaline rushed through his entire body. It made him numb. This would make things much easier.

He went to the back of the class, just as the teacher got there. She introduced the ‘new kid’ and went on with the lesson. John wasn’t here to make new friends – all he wanted was revenge.

John sat down next to the awkward guy who looked at him in confusion first but turned his gaze away quickly as John turned his head to face him. He’d caught the other boy’s eye a few more times, who blushed and quickly turned away. John was sure that he’d seen him somewhere before but couldn’t remember where. But it didn’t matter. He would soon be dead.

His time had come and he excused himself to go to the bathroom. While checking the cabinets for students he finally unpacked his gun.

Scott’s POV

School was boring. It had always been and would always be. He wasn’t able to fit all this knowledge into his brain. Scott decided that it was time for a little break so he got up with the excuse he needed to go to the bathroom. He ended up buying sweets from the vending machine in the cafeteria. When he finished eating and felt new energy, he went back to his beloved classroom.

John’s POV

He wasn’t feeling anything. Only the air leaving his body. He didn’t hear his own shouting. The blood rushed through his ears way too loud. He held the gun is his shaking hands. Memories consumed his mind. He wasn’t able to think clear. It was slowly picking him apart but he didn’t allow himself to break down now. As soon as this was done the pain would stop. Suddenly everyone was on the ground. What happened? He moved his finger to the trigger, slowly pulling it. He stopped shouting. But the following silence wasn’t better. It was awful.

Scott’s POV

He thought about his caring parents, who were always there for him. He loved them so much. His life was good and he was thankful. Letting his thoughts drift away, he increased his pace as he bumped into a body. They both fell to the ground. Which hurt and he was about to apologize but the following noises left much more pain, than falling. The atrocious, inhumane scream that was released by the collapsed body underneath him shook his whole body. Soon all he was able to see was red. Thick, dark red blood left a puddle on the floor. Whimpers were escaping the slim form on the ground. So much blood. Black spots were dancing in front of his eyes, leaving him blind. He felt his own body falling to the ground. He had passed out.

If you wonder how much time had passed, even Scott couldn’t tell. Maybe minutes, maybe hours and maybe even days. There were many people around him. Caring eyes all around him. A voice reaching his ears - maybe his dad’s – telling him that he was fine. 

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