Chapter 118 Liam's POV

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Pulling her into the room I look around making sure everything perfect just like her. I feel so nervous and my heart is pounding in my chest. It's like I'm about to lose my virginity to her all over again. I look at her smiling and waiting for me to tell her..
"Open you eyes baby" I tell her and she gasps looking around the room.

"You did all this for me baby, it's beautiful, I love it

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"You did all this for me baby, it's beautiful, I love it.. I love you" she says and kisses me forcefully. Kissing her back I drop her bag on the chair and slowly undo her coat pushing it off her shoulders and throwing it to the chair too, I need to see what she's wearing. Fuck!
"Oh my god I think I died and went to heaven, you look incredibly sexy baby" I tell her heart pounding.
"Just for you baby" she says kissing me.
"I'm so lucky to have found you again baby, just, wow your perfect and your ass looks amazingly sexy in this" I tell her and she twirls and I can't help but grab it. Fuck she's sexy. And all mine. How did I manage to get her I have no idea. I lead her to the bed and grab the champagne I ordered and hand her a flute.
"To making memories" she says seductively and I lick my lips and she does matching me watching my hard dick in her favourite shorts I chose to wear.
Downing our drinks she's hands me back the glass and scoots backwards up the bed spreading her legs showing me my treasure. Fuck I can see how wet she is as her pussy glistens with need for me. For fucking me.
I put the glasses down and crawl between her legs wanting to lick up all her juices and she lays back for me leaning up on her elbows. Slowly licking up from her entrance to her swollen clit she arches her back and throws her head back and let's out a moan.
"Tastes perfect as always baby" I tell her and she looks into my eyes watching me suck her clit.
"Fuck! Liam" she moans and I fucking love it when she says my name. I carry on licking and slurping up her juices and slide my tongue into her tight pussy. Fuck she's perfect. Her pussys perfect.
I slowly start to fuck her with my tongue as she moans out gripping the covers.
"Yesss!" she crys out and I smile into her juicy pussy and slowly rub her clit in circles. Her legs begin to shake letting me know she's close to cumming and I fuck her faster needing her to cum for me.
"Liam!" he cries and I taste her deliciousness as she cums into my mouth. Licking back up to her clit, I suck on it how she likes it and slide in two fingers pushing on the back of her bundle of nerves.
"Im so close, don't stop" she tells me and I suck faster needing her to release.
"Yes, Yessss" she screams and comes so I start to finger her pushing on her gspot and her legs buckle, holding them apart I fuck her faster hitting it over and over.
"Cum for me baby" I tell her and she let's go and I feel the wetness soak my hand as she squirts. Fuck that's hot!
Pulling out my fingers, I watch her as I suck them clean loving the taste of her and she sits up staring at my dick.
"I want you baby so bad" she says and as much as I'd love to fuck her mouth I need to be inside her.
She sits up and I rip off her outfit needing her naked and she looks up at me and down at her outfit.
"I knew you'd do that" she says and I smirk.
"I needed you naked baby, damn!" I say looking at her all over. I can tell that she's been waxed and I smile at her, my baby went all out for me.
She eagerly grabs at my shorts to get at my dick but I grab her hands and shake my head.
"Not now baby, it's all about you" I tell her and she smiles laying back down.
Pulling my shorts down my hardened dick springs out and I stroke it happy to finally be getting what I needed.
She lays there watching me biting her lip as I put the condom on.
"This feels like the first time all over again baby, I'm so fucking excited" I tell her and climb on the bed hovering over her. I position myself between her legs and slowly rub the head along her swollen cleft. She moans and closes her eyes and I know she's preparing herself after so long of not having anything.
Pushing in slowly I feel her sucking me in and I squeeze my eyes shut. Fuck!
"So tight baby fuck I've missed being inside you" I tell her and she moans again as I start pushing in further.
"Fuck it's so big" she tells me and my ego is so big right now I couldnt help myself I just needed to be fully inside her. Lifting her legs up I pull her down onto it and pause letting her adjust on me and she looks up at me.
"Fuck me baby" she moans and that's all I needed to hear. I roll my hips in and out of her building up to give her what she wants. It's so tight and perfect my sweet treasure with a sexy look on her face letting me know how much she's enjoying it... Me inside her.
I start to slowly fuck her pushing in and out watching as her face contours lifting up her hips to meet my thrusts.
I hover over her and kiss her as I build up the speed of my strokes feeling her tighten around me. Fuck.
She wraps her arms around me and slides her tongue into my mouth as I grope at her breast twirling her hard nipples. She sucks on my tongue and my dick throbs inside her and she crys out.
"Fuck, Liam!" and I feel her tightening telling me she's cumming.
I start to fuck her fast feeling my own orgasm after so long and I really don't want to cum so soon but after all these months and her tightness I can't help it. It's happening whether I like it or not..
I slam into her pounding as my orgasm build my legs begin to shake
"Cum for me baby" she tells me and I let go fucking into her relentlessly.
"FUCKKK!" I roar out feeling euphoric.. Grinding in to her as she cums again I fuck us both through our orgasms.
Shit that was quick. But so fucking worth the soreness I'm feeling. I need to go again. I have to have her. I need her always.

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