During The Exams..

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You know whats the best thing about exams? While your studyin u actually start thinkin... You discover so much more, You go on writing like mad. During the exams.. You notice ur bedside lamp, its always been glowin there, But u never had time to stand and stare.. During the exams.. Everything os so new, your books shout at you, for not touching them all year long. During the exams.. You stare at the paper, draw circles n lines all night long. During the exams.. You flip through ur thoughts, turn pages of ur book. Like ur whole world there, in that momemt alone. Never been so engrossed, Its just u n ur mind. During the exams. Taylor, Cyrus, even Beiber suddenly seem so talented, All the best movies in the world decide to turn up on T.V. that day. During the exams. You remember the taste of every food in ur mouth, Ur already lickin ur ice-cream in the air, But there's a lump in ur throat, N u thought u were strong. During the exams.. U regret urself for not studyin all year long, Until u realise, there's still time, there's all night to pass along. During the exams.. You remember all people in ur past, even ur history teacher, who taught u in ur last class. Ur annoying n stalker friends have also dissappeard, until u realise, there's no one there, all have gone. During the exams.. Ur going numb, u try to sleep with ur eyes opened, u think time has stopped, but u realise its been quite long. During the exams.. You take silly walks around ur room, still cant escape from ur thoughts. During the exams.. You notice the shape of ur fingernails, u've already counted all the lines on ur hand, you never knew the colour of ur hand, until during the exams.. The blank wall in front of u looks so intresting, u've already stared at it for an hour long. During the exams.. The gold fish in ur small bowl of glass, otherwise so dumb, Lazy enough to shut his eyes, magically starts flying around. During the exams.. Ur sitting under the fan, still there's sweat on ur brow, chill in ur heart is poking in, just like a knife stuck in ur heart. During the exams.. You come up with a poem u've been planning to write all along.. You discover ur a writer, come up with words like mad, words make lines. meaning nothing, going nowhere, Just like the storm in my heart, coz ur mind is numb, n ur brain has already decided to stop. During the exams.. Everything is so important, everything so unimportant. Trying to tackle the whole year in one night, U suck, U fuck, Damn these EXAMS.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2011 ⏰

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