Chapter 120

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One week later

"I need to see my mum baby, she's not doing so good" he says and I start to panic. If he leaves he'll probably get caught and I'll lose him. But he needs to see her I can't be selfish. As much as I want to be..
"I wanna tell you no, but I know you have to go" I tell him and he beams at me for clearly not making this into an argument.
"Thank you baby, I know it's a risk but I have no choice" he tells me and I give him a small smile.
"I know baby, I'm scared you'll go away again" I tell him honestly and he pulls me in close.
"I'm scared too baby I won't lie, but it has to be done I'll never forgive myself if something happened to her" he tells me and I nod understanding.
"I get that just please be careful and if you feel anything run" I tell him and he laughs.
"I will be careful because your coming with me right? And what's the point of running when I'm just gonna hand myself in?" he says and I sigh heavily.
"I can't bare the thought of you going back to that place, what will happen because you escaped? Will we have to wait longer to be together?" I ask him knowing he's about to tell me yes.
"Probably, but it's OK because I'll have you when I'm out and I'll be a free man to do as we please" he says with a sad smile. I know he doesn't want to go back.
"I'll always wait for you no matter how long it takes Liam, I love you so much" I tell him holding him tightly to me.
"I'll hold you to that baby, I love you too. Just promise me you'll live your life for the both of us" he asks and I nod knowing that I'll just cry constantly.
"I will baby I'll try" I tell him sadly.
"That's all I ask beautiful, I can't bare the thought of you wasting your life" he says and I shake my head. I want to wait for him no matter how long it takes.
"It's not wasting if I'm waiting" I tell him with a smile and he chuckles.
"OK I can live with that, now we need to get ready to leave, I'm a little excited to be going back out into the world. It's been so long" he says giddy jumping up pulling me with him. He's alot better now and his bruises have near enough gone finally, he looks like his hot self again.
"The worlds your oyster baby" I tell him and he laughs.
"I only need you beautiful, and maybe weed too" he jokes and I laugh knowing he's telling the truth.
"Absolutely" I tell him running up the stairs as he slaps my ass.

After showering and getting ready I stand in the mirror now finished and applying gloss to my lips.

"Your making me wanna stay here with you baby, you look so God damn sexy" he tells me coming up behind me as I look at him through the mirror smiling. He's perfect. Never fails to make me smile.
"Thanks baby, you look handsome too I love you in black" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"I know you do beautiful" he says and winks.
"You ready to go now?" he asks me and I grab my bag and smile
"Yeah, let's go" I tell him as we walk out the bedroom and down the stairs. Liam opens the door for me and locks up walking me to the car and does the same again climbing in behind me.
"Im looking forward to seeing my mum and Jason I hope he's there" he says and I smile
"I hope he is for you too baby" I tell him honestly. I don't care but Liam hasn't seen him in so long and I know he misses his brother.
He nods at the driver and he pulls me closer to him.
"I love you baby, always hold that in your heart, if anything happens I need you to know at least that" he says and I start to feel emotional. I know somethings gonna happen today.
"I love you too baby make sure you remember that no matter what happens I'll always be here for you waiting and wanting just you" I tell him and kiss him affectionately.
"Thank you baby, I'll remember that I promise, I'll be OK this time" he says and I nod with a sad smile. I don't want him to go anywhere let alone prison.

Pulling up at the back of his mums house I climb out and scan the area looking for something. Anything and see nothing out of the ordinary so I wave him over and he climbs out and runs into his mums back door. Thank god it's open.
"Brother, thank god. Mums not doing so good" Jason tells him and he sighs walking over to him and hugging him tight.
"When did it happen?" Liam asks him and he sighs.
"When you was in hospital she took a turn and now I'm scared that she won't get better" Jason says sounding emotional. Shit
"She's strong and she's gonna survive this Jason" Liam tells him but when we walk into the living room she looks completely different from the last time I seen her never mind Liam. Oh my God.
"Mum I'm here" Liam says to her crounching down in front of her.
"Baby, thank god your ok, I thought I'd lost you" she says to him and he hugs her giving her a kiss.
"I'm so sorry mum for turning out to be such a disappointment, I love you so much" he tells her and I feel myself get emotional at his words. He's not a disappointment in my eyes.
"Baby no, your not. Don't say that I love you son, your my baby and I'm lucky to have you I'm so proud of you" she tells Liam and I see Liam starting to break down.
"I am mum, I'm going back to prison I just know it" he says and I feel a tear slide down my face. Wiping it away quickly I look to Jason and see him watching them and leaves them to it.
"Son you are my greatest achievement and you mean the world to me baby don't cry" she tells him and he starts to cry hard putting his head on her lap. She gently soothes him stroking his hair and looks to me.
"I need you to look after him Stacey. Promise me you'll do that please" she says to me and I nod beginning to cry.
"I promise you Angela" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"Don't let her go baby, she's special I promise you that" she tells him and he nods with his head still down.
"Liam, brother. The police are here, like there outside now front and back what do you want to do?" Jason says running into the room. I break down and Liam stands up sharply. Shit!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now