Chapter 122

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I've been laying here for hours now and I can't seem to stop crying. I pulled one of his t-shirt out to lay with feeling like hes here and it just made me worse. Jason keeps checking on me every hour or so, to make sure I'm OK. Well I'm not but I'm still here.
Liams phone suddenly rings and I see Steve flash on the screen. I answer it putting it to my ear.
"Hello" I says sadly
"Sweetheart, I heard about Liam, what happened why did you leave?" he asks and I explain all about his mum and how he wanted to see her.
"I see, and your still there?" he asks me
"Yes" I tell him and he sighs.
"Do you want to go back to the mansion, tell me what you need I'm here" he tells me and I begin to cry.
"I want Liam" I tell him and he sighs again sounding sad.
"I know you do sweetheart, tell me how I can help you" he says down the line and I sigh.
"I don't know what am I going to do without him?" I say heavily breathing.
"You'll get through this like you did before, nothing will happen. Do you need me to come to you now?" he asks me
"I don't know, his mum wants me to stay" I tell him not sure if I can
"OK sweetheart it's your choice, but if you do need me to come to you just ring and I'll be straight there OK?" he tells me
"OK I'll call you if I need you, thank you" I tell him and we hang up.
Scrolling through the pictures on his phone I see alot of me that I didn't realised he'd even taken again. Why is this happening to us. Why can't we be happy like everyone else.

Waking up suddenly I look around the room in a panic wondering where I am and how I got here. Until everything comes back hitting me like a tonne of bricks.
Holding my pounding head from all the crying I check the time and see its 2am. I climb out of Liam's bed and make my way down stairs needing a drink. Walking into the kitchen I see Jason sitting there with his head in his hands with his phone right infront of him.
"Still nothing?" I ask him and he shakes his head. Why's it taking so long.
"How you feeling after your sleep?" he asks me and I sigh as I get a glass of water.
"Like shit to be honest" I tell him and he looks me over.
"You wanna spliff, I need one" he says and I nod thankful for him. He gets up and jogs up the stairs phone in hand and comes back down about five minutes later holding two spliffs. He passes me one with a lighter and I spark it quick time wanting the numbness from my pain.
Feeling Liam's phone vibrate in my hand I check it and see a text.

Steve: You awake?

Liam: Yes.

Suddenly his phone starts ringing and I quickly answer it.
"Hello" I says putting it to my ear and Jason looks at me.
"I know where he is and he is OK sweetheart" he says and I breath a sigh of relief. Thank God.
"When can I see him?" I ask him hoping he sorted something before I get my VO.
"You will see him tomorrow morning at court, I'll pick you up" he says and I perk up a little
"OK that's better than nothing, what's gonna happen to him?" I ask him expecting the worst. He was on the run..
"He'll be getting longer sweetheart please prepare yourself for that, but I'm doing everything I can for him" he tells me and I shake my head. Please no!
"How much longer, I need to know" I tell him holding back my flooding tears.
"maybe a year at the worst I don't know yet" he says and I cry silently. Fuck!
"So that's on top of the three years already, what about the incident that happen? Will he be charged for that to?" I ask him hoping not. And he sighs.
"The prison will sort that but we're hoping nothing comes of it" he tells me and I put my head down.
"OK, thanks Steve, I'll see you tomorrow" I tell him.
"Alright get some sleep sweetheart, I'll bring you a change of clothes too" he says and I sigh grateful.
"Thank you, much appreciated" I tell him and we hang up.. Jason stares at me and I sigh letting out my tears.
"He has court tomorrow, he's looking at an extra year and whatever else the prison decides" I tell him and he sighs putting his head down.
"Is he OK?" he asks me and I nod my head.
"He says he is" I tell him but I know differently. I know my baby. He was scared and for good reason.
"OK, I need to let mum know. Thank you for finding out" he says and gets up walking away.
I sit there staring at nothing smoking the spliff trying to numb myself from this heart ache I'm feeling.
Looking around the kitchen I see a bottle of rum and I get up and grab it. Slumped against the counter I open it and start to down it. This will numb the pain. That's what I need sleep and to see my baby tomorrow. I hope he really is OK..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now