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One day Clifford was walking on the beach when he saw a boat that was going to where he used to live as a puppy. So he ran to the boat and jumped on board right as it was about to leave. After a few hours he was there, his old home. He had seen one of his old friends there, Jorge. “Jorge!?”  He wagged his tail and smiled. “Clifford…It's so good to see you!” said Jorge. Clifford nuzzled him as a greeting. “Nice to see you too.It’s been over seven years since i last saw you.” “ had.” Clifford said happily. Jorge turned his back to the hill. “Here I come.” Jorge got ready to tackle Clifford. He punched Jorge off. And they rolled down then when they got to the bottom Jorge pinned Clifford who was panting. They seemed to be having a staring contest. They both laughed and Clifford got off of him, He sat down and waited for Jorge to get up. “So...What are we gonna do?” Clifford said while getting into a playing position. “Lets Play i guess…” said Jorge while he got into a play position as well. Clifford walked backward then started running towards Jorge. Jorge was standing there staring at clifford as clifford jumped over him. When Clifford landed they both stared at each other for a moment then fell on their backs laughing. “That was fun!” said clifford. Then jorge said “Let Me try!” “Clifford thought of what was going to happen if Jorge tried to jump over him. Jorge walked backward then ran toward Clifford. As Jorge got closer to Clifford, Clifford slowly started to duck so Jorge could jump over him,  but it was too late Jorge had ran into clifford. Jorge got off of Clifford and said “ow…” then Clifford said “are you okay?”. Jorge answered with “Yes i'm fine..” “Ok” Clifford said.

                                   The End 

Because i can’t think of anything else

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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