My Entry

90 15 12


Hey, guys, I was nominated by Xx_NiallerHood_xX to do this! (Look at the media picture)

It's an entry I have to write about to stop bullying; I've only got the limit of 90 words!

If you saw bullying, what would you do to stop it? Would you stand by and let it happen, take part in it or try to stop it? Not many people think about this, and that's part of the problem.

'Treat others the way you want to be treated.' I say, everyone should obey this rule.

When we are single, we tend to fall down, but together we are much stronger, we can stop bullying.

Don't be rude to others.

Dead on 90 words. But it's the quality that counts, not the quantity.

I nominate:

Whoever reads this :)

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