Chapter 124

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One months later

"One whole fucking month, nothing!" I shout down the phone to Sian. She's been trying to calm me down but nothings working. I haven't had a call, letter or seen Liam for a fucking month I'm going crazy. I don't know if he's dead or alive. Just not wanting to see anyone or in some sort of isolation. All I know is I've cried myself a fucking ocean and drank alot..
It helps.. Sometimes.
"I know babe, but you have to stay positive. He's probably just coming to terms with a few things" she tells me and I sigh. I hope she's right because my thoughts are going crazy..
"Thanks babes, I don't know what I'd do without you. One minute that's the letterbox let me check to see if I have something from Liam, I'll call you back soon" I tell her praying that he's wrote to me. Please fucking God!
"Alright babes, chin up it'll be OK!" she tells me and we hang up.
Putting my phone down I quickly run down the stairs to th front door and grab the mail flicking through them and I see nothing.
"Fuckkk! Where are you baby" I scream out in my empty house. Why am I receiving nothing. What did I do to deserve this. Am I not fucking sad enough that my boyfriend is in fucking prison.
"It's going to be OK, like Sian said remember" I tell myself out loud. And throw the mail to the side table at the door not caring. Walking into the kitchen I grab the bottle of rum and sit at the table and swig from the bottle. Please be OK..
Suddenly I hear the letter box again and I run to the door hoping the postman found my letter and I look down and see Liam's handwriting. Oh my fucking God.. Thankyou!
"Thank you, thank you" I grab it and I've never ripped something open so fast in my life that I tear the corner of the letter. Fuck! Walking to the stairs I sit down putting the bottle to my lips and taking a swig and one last deep breath.
I open up the letter and begin to read.

Hello baby
I'm soo fucking sorry I haven't had any contact with you I've just got out the hole in isolation and I wrote to you straight away. I know your probably going crazy wondering how I am but I'm good I promise just alone and fucking stink!
I was happy to see you in court with Jason I hope you two can get along please while I'm in here. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you, please come if you can but I REALLY need to see you baby. Two years is a long time to not see your beautiful face and I'm already going insane.
How's my mum doing have you seen her? I hope your still in contact baby she loves you. I love you soo fucking much Stacey Johnson.
Your not gonna like this but they put me back in the same prison.. But atleast I have Stefan. I think.. I won't lie I don't know. I'm in a new cell block and I have my own fucking cell. So fucking happy but my enemies are surrounding me so that's a bit shit.. But all in all I'm OK, I've got this, because I've got you!
I know for the past month you've been crying hard and worrying about me and going crazy obviously it's you.. But now you know that I'm good I need you to be living your life to the fullest.. The world is your oyster my queen and you can do anything. Remember you have what you need in your dressing room for anything in the world.
As much as I want to see you I can't for another month.. We can do this and I'll call you as soon as I can.. I love you baby more than life.. Always remember that beautiful. Now cheer up and put that beautiful smile back on your perfect face. Yours Always and Forever Liam XXXXX
And you slept in my bedroom? How was that..

I sit there bawling my eyes out holding the letter to my chest thanking everything that he's OK. And Sian was right.. Like always I love her!
I've been waiting a whole month to know that he's ok and I finally have my answer. He wants me to live my life. I need to do something that will make him proud of me. My dream can actually come true. Why work for someone else when I can open my own? Why did I never think of that I have plenty of money saved oh my god.. I need to write back. I jump up holding the letter and run up the stairs into my room grabbing my notepad that's running extremely low. Fuck, I need to buy some more. And a book of stamps and put some money into Liam's account too. I look back at his letter reading it through again smiling for the first time since being in the mansion.
Liam's telling me to live my life and still wants me. He's not actually pushing me away like I thought he was.. He wants to see me still and I can't be fucking happier.
Putting pen to paper I start my letter.

Hey baby
I'm so fucking happy right now. And that's saying alot.. Believe me
I've just received your letter and I'm so glad your OK.. Well you know what I mean. I miss you sooo much my heart hurts not being able to see you or hear your voice. But I'm enjoying writing to you if only it didn't take days to come.. I know you've been bombarded with alot of my letters I'm sorry well actually I'm not I was going crazy not knowing.. you know how I get. I just love you baby. I can't wait to see your face even if it's in another month.. Anyways.. I've seen your mum a few times as she rings me alot too, to make sure I'm OK and eating. It felt weird being in your bed without you, I loved the picture on your bedside table seeing you smile.. Happy. I haven't seen Jason since court everytime I'm at your mums he's out so I don't know what that's about after how he was with me the night you left and at court he's confusing..
Your right I don't like it but there's nothing either of us can do about it its prison baby.. I hope Stefan is still OK. He was a good friend in school so you never know but just be careful baby. I need you to come back to me and I don't like the surrounded part.. That scares me baby I love you so much if anything happens to you I don't know what I'd do. I don't like what I'd become.. Back to happy thoughts... I have an amazing idea and I want you to be the first to know.. I'm going to open my own bakery. Good idea? It's always been a goal so why not go for it. Like you said the world is my oyster. Thank you soo much Liam for everything. I love, the love you have for me, never change baby! My smile is on my face thinking of you always.
Cant wait to hear back from you, I love you more than breathing..
Yours Always and Forever Stacey Johnson XXXXX

I put the pen down for the first time not crying. Folding and sealing the letter in Liam's envelopes I put it in my purse grabbing my phone and texting Sian as I head out.

Stacey: Are you free I have an idea.. Xx

Walking out I head to the post box first and post Liam's letter. The sooner I post it, the sooner he'll get it.
Climbing into my car my phone pings.

Sian: Yeah. What you wanna do? Xx

Stacey: It's a surprise! Xx

Sian: Oh my god yes! I'm so happy your finally getting out your house, you must of heard from Liam ☺ You drive, pick me up. Xx

Stacey: On my way Xx

Putting my phone in my purse I pull on my seat belt and start the engine pulling off to Sian.

Arriving at Sian's and beeping my horn for her to come out, I hear my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I ask without checking.
"Baby" he says sighing with content.
"Oh my god baby, hi I've missed you" I tell him overly happy to hear his voice.
"I missed your voice beautiful, how are you, I'm sorry its been awhile" Liam tells me and I sigh heavily.
"It's OK baby, I received your letter not long ago I know everything. Your OK and that's all that matters to me. I love you baby" I tell him my heart beating rapidly finally hearing from him. I actually smile small but still as I see Sian come out the door.
"You sound happy baby, that makes me happy what you up to your out and about good" he says and I smile brighter.
"I can actually tell you now, I'm going to look for a shop to rent, I'm going to open a bakery Liam.. Finally" I tell him beaming with joy.
"Listen to me baby, I'm so happy and proud of you, you can do anything and your baking is delicious, you got this beautiful. What you find is yours. I know you don't need it but I want you to have it and live your dream baby, for me please" he says and I feel my eyes become teary.
"I promise I will baby, I have you. Your my dream, I have everything I want" I tell him and Sian looks at me smiling.
"Thankyou baby, the rest of your life starts today, don't look back. I love you and I'll ring you again soon, I've got to go now. Be happy Stacey Johnson" he says and I suddenly feel sad he's leaving so soon.
"Bye baby I love you too, stay safe and be good!" I tell him making him laugh and it felt so good hearing it before we hung up.
"Hey babes, so where we going? What's the surprise?" she asks me excitedly clapping.
"I want to open my own bakery" I tell her as I pull off and she screams happily for me. Fucking hell. Laughing at her I turn the music up and head to a letting agency in town.
I'm doing what I've always dreamed of and I have my dream man. I'm officially going to live my life from today just like Liam said.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now