My Twilight Saga: Twilight

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Okay, this may (or may not) suck very badly. Spelling errors WILL be made, I can assure you, but I will be editing this every so often. This is NOT close to finished. Considering that Im only 11, tell me what you think? (:

Im in the car with my mom, listening to her tell me, "Bella, you dont have to go you can stay here. Im sure Charlie will understand!" "No mom, I want to go. Charlie's my biological dad, not Phil." I crossed my arms and looked out the window. The rest of the ride was silent. My mom let out a sigh and pulled into the vast almost empty airport parking lot. We quietly got out of the 1984 Blue Nissan. Phil bought it for mom. "I know your disappointed Bells, but you've been going to Forks every summer for 6 years and I miss spending summers with you." Honestly, I just wanted to hop back in the car and say okay mom, lets go back home! But instead I said, "No im fine. I like spending a few months with Dad." We got my 3 suitcases filled with Winter/Spring clothes, since it's RARELY ever sunny in Forks. I got my airplane ticket out of my bag. "Flight 632," I said in my mind. I heard her talking, but didnt know what she was saying, I nodded. We were walking into what looked like a gift shop. I glared at her. "Why are we here? My flight leaves in 10 minutes, mom I have to go." I turned around to exit the shop and get on the plane, but she grabbed my jacket. "Isabella Swan, Im trying to give you a 'See you soon' present, now you wait right here or else I will forbid you from getting on that plane!" I stared at her and my eye twitched. "I hate being bossed around." I slowly backed out of the shop, quietly enough so she wouldn't notice me leaving. As soon as I was out of the store, I ran toward the door of my flight. "BELLA! GET BACK HERE!" she called. I basically fast walked because Reñee wasnt the fastest runner at all. I showed the attendat my tickets and turned to wave bye to my mom. "Bye Sweetie.." I could tell she was tearing. "See you in a little while mom," and I turned to get on the plane. The attendent took my bags and I gave him a a nice $4 tip, since I barely had any cash on me. Once I boared the plane, the doors closed amd the pilot came on the intercom, "Welcome passeners to JetBlue, we will be taking off to Seattle, WA in 5 minutes." I closed my eyes and rested my head calmy on my lucky pillow my mom had given me when I younger, about 6 or 7.

...8 hours later...

"Attention all passengers, we have landed safetly in Seattle. Please unbuckle your seatbelts and proceed calmy to the exit in an orderly fashion." I finally got off of the plane and walked into the Seattle Airport, being nudged and stared at by strangers. When I finally saw Charlie, I grew nervous. I hate being away from my mom...Will they let me get back on the plane? "Bells, over here!" Charlie called with a grin. Aww, crap he sees me. I put on my best fake smile and said, "Hi! I missed u Ch--Dad." I wasnt allowed to call him Charlie in front of him. Mom said that would be "rude" or "impolite" so I just called him Dad. Charlie wasnt much of a chatterbox, niether was I. Mom told me that he already enrolled me into a high school. Somewhere called Forks High School. I wasnt excited at all.. But no one cares. "Lets get your bags," Charlie said. I took the lightest bag, my purse. He fit all 4 bags in the trunk off his 1989 Ford. We got into the car and headed toward his house. "So, how's Reñee?" He asked. "Oh, she's fine." Thats probably the 800th time since I've said 'Fine' this morning. "What about...Phil?" His voice cracked when he said Phil's name. "Dad, I dont like him any less than you do. He's already I guess. I only watch him when he's around mom. Honestly, I DONT need a little sibling." "Ahh, I see.." The rest of the ride was silent. I hate when that happens. I looked out the car window, everything was green, trees covered in moss, grass green and getting greener. I let out a sudden sigh. As we were driving, I saw a Silver Volvo parked in a nice house with several people outside. Charlie pulled into that house. "Umm, Dad, where are we...?" "You stay here Bells, I have to talk to my doctor really quickly, his name is Dr. Cullen, I'll be really quick!" Charlie jumped out the car and closed the door. There were 6 people, wo looked about my age. I stared at them, trying to study them. They were all pale, beautiful, and walked with so much....grace? Elegance? Charm. One of the cutest ones caught my gaze and I immediately looked down. Charlie came back and backed out of the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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