My Abusive Love.

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When we first met we clicked right away, we could NEVER be separated. We talked all night, no matter what was on my mind you always made me smile or laugh, from then on I knew we would last. We were like glue when we started, but I just realized I had become stupid. You got into drugs, bringing me to a steam, I tried to fix you but you just got mean, you always made an apology, believing you didn't mean a thing. Why did you do what you did? Breaking me like a twig over and over, I believed the lies even when your hands were on my shoulders and I had tears in my eyes. Why do you talk so loud? You taled over me.... Hurting a young girl, but you were to blind to see it was your sick pleasure, but it was my misery. You MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY Hurt Me, but I was suppose to believe it was a game you see. I was with you for 3 Years, but those 3 Years Were The Death Of Me. As years went on I grew, putting myself far away from you. Even over all of the bad things you did and do, A PART OF ME STILL FUCKING LOVES YOU.

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