Another victim

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Your P.O.V

It's been two days since the last time I payed Spring a visit, and honestly, I don't know why I waited for so long. But enough waiting, I'm going back there tonight. Springtrap is going to think I gave up on him. And well, that's not what friends do. Just as I get out of my room for dinner, I see Mike at the top of the stairs with a few other boys staring at something. Confused and curious, I join them and see a news article loaded on Mike's phone. But what makes my curiosity levels increase is the face that the article has Freddy's involved!

"Whats going on here?" I ask. They all scream and jump back.

"Drake! Don't scare us like that!" Mike says holding his chest.

"Sorry. But what are you guys reading?" I ask casually.

"Someone's body was found in a Freddy suit!" Kieth says. He's one of my closest friends. Not as close as Mike but still pretty close. I look at him in shock.

"Wait, what? You're joking right?" I ask. They all shake their heads and Mike hands me his phone.

"See for yourself." He says. Then I start reading the article...

Body of a man found inside a spare animatronic suit at the local Freddy Fazbear's. Manager denies he knows what happened to him.

"This can't be real..." I say, even more shocked.

"Well, it is. Thank God it wasn't you in that pizzaria. I'd be devistated." Mike says. I hand him his phone and head down to the living room.

"Drake? You okay?" I hear Mike ask.

"Yeah, just... shocked. Springtrap told me that Freddy and his friends come to life but to be honest, I didn't really believe him. I thought he was just trying to scare me. But now..." I mutter running my hand through my hair. There's a moment of silence before Mike puts a hand on jy shoulder and looks me in the eye.

"You were planning on going there tonight, weren't you?" He says. I look at him, puzzled.

"How did you-" he cut me off.

"I saw you packing your flashlight yesterday, and another crowbar." He says. I blush lightly out of embarrassment.

"Did anyone else see me?" I ask.

"Just him and me." I hear Kieth say, which makes me blush even more. "What are you gonna need that stuff for anyway?"

"I... I, probably shouldn't tell you." I say looking at the ground.

"Why not? Does it have something to do with Freddy's?" Kieth asks suspiciously.

"What? No! Of coarse not!" I say sheepishly. Kieth then gives me a skeptical look. "Maybe..." I mutter.

"You're sneaking there!? Are you crazy!?" He shouts softly. "What about the article you just read? Aren't you scared?"

"Nope. I barely feel fear in those types of situations." I say shrugging. "Besides, the animatronics only come to life when there's a nightguard-" I cut myself off and cover my mouth. Did I really just say that out loud? God damnit Drake!

"Hold on... did you just say that the animatronics, are alive!?" Kieth asks me. I let out a sigh and nodded slowly. His face then turns into an expression of pure confusion and curiosity and disbelief.

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