Chapter 125 Liam's POV

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Visitation Day.

Waking up alone without my baby is getting harder by the day. Sleeps becoming difficult with the amount of shit you hear in this place its crazy. Sitting up I stand and take a piss looking around my cell. It's an OK size I guess for prison, but it's bare. I need to make it more me if this is gonna be mine other wise I'll go crazy..
Washing my hands I grab my towel and shower gel and put on my sliders and head to the communal showers. I see a few people but I don't care today I will see my baby. I HAVE to or I will go fucking crazy and no one will like that.. Trust me.

After showering and heading back to my cell I stand in the mirror and look myself over and feel good about this, nothing is ruining this I repeat in my head as I run my hand over my growing hair. I wonder what she'll think of it now? Hearing footsteps I look out my little window and see a guard, so I step back hoping he's come to collect me.
"Johnson, visitation, let's go" he calls out and opens my door. I follow him out.

Standing at the door I grab my sachet waiting to get out there and see her. I NEED to see her fucking hurry up man. Fuck!
My hearts pounding in my chest and I'm anxious as fuck.
The door opens and I step out instantly looking for my queen and I make my way to her rushing past other people staring at her. I thought I missed her before when I let her go but having her back in my life for this short time makes me have to have her, I need her period.
"Baby.. I've" I try to say but she grabs me and slams her lips onto mine and I feel like my hearts stopped. Fuck I've missed her and the way she kisses me.
Pulling apart far to soon I look at her lustful, loving her always.
"I've fucking missed you" I tell her and she kisses me again and hugs me tight.
"I've missed you baby" she tells me quietly and I squeeze her not wanting to let go.
She looks up at me and I hear the guard cough letting me know I need to let go.
Sighing I kiss her forehead and sit down facing her.
"So tell me, how's the bakery going have you completely finished refurbishment baby" I ask her and she smiles clearing thinking about her shop.
"Steve's sorting it, I'm only allowed to chose what I want, he's really been there for me through all of this. Because of you" she says and reaches for my hand.
"I'm just glad that your happy baby I'm soo proud of you for doing something" I tell her smiling actually happy.
"This will see me through till I have you back and we can be together again and you can make me your wife, I will be Mrs Stacey Johnson officially!" she states playing with her ring and I just watch her amazed. How is someone like her here.. In this shithole. To visit someone like me?
I can't be without her but am I holding her back being in here? I've been over thinking a lot recently..
"That's all I want baby and I will when I'm a free man" I tell her not trying to show my true thoughts, she reads me to easily.
"I've missed you so much Liam" she says just staring at me for a few moments then pulls herself together. Being strong for me and I know how she feels, that's what I'm doing for her.
"You have no idea beautiful" I tell her sighing putting my head in my hand. Isolated away for a month seeing no one and now constant noise and people its throwing me all over the place. I just want to take her and run. Far away from this place.
"Liam baby, what's wrong? Talk to me" she says tilting her head to look at my face. I sigh and look at her thinking of the conversation I had with Stefan yesterday.
"Stefan's being transfered. And it makes me scared.. For you more than me" I tell her and she looks at me slightly panicked and I rub her hand soothingly.
"It's gonna be OK, I'm fighting fit.. Thanks to you" I wink at her and she smiles slow and sexy at me. Fuck my dick starts to grow. He definitely fucking misses her. Shit.

I move around in my seat trying to re-adjust myself and she watches me biting her lip. Fuck I want her right now, if only I could.
"So what do you do all day? Do you have a job or something?" she asks me smiling
"I workout, wash, eat and write to you baby I'm keeping myself to myself I wanna do my time and come home to you" I tell her and she leans in and kisses me.
"Me and your treasure will be waiting for you no matter how long it take" she whispers into my ear and I groan loud and proud not caring, she is all mine. She giggles and kisses me sitting back in her seat and I watch as she clenches her thighs biting her lip. I wonder what she's thinking about the little minx.
"FUCK baby I wanna devour you right now" I tell her licking my lips watching her. She bites her lip again and closes her eyes imagining me between her thick thighs eating her. Fuck! What am I doing? I'll definitely be getting my dick out when I get back. She looks sexy as fuck.

She crosses and uncrosses her long legs drawing my eyes to the garter belt around her thigh. She watches me watching her, she's got me on a leash I'll forever be hers, no matter what happens.
"You look perfect baby, sooo god damn sexy" I tell her as I grab my dick making her blush biting her lip.
"The things I want to do to every part of you" I tell her with a groan and she blushes again
"I'll hold you to that baby" she says looking me over licking her lips.
"Yes baby, I hope you do" I tell her honestly and she smiles happily.
"Times up, say your good byes" a guard calls out and I sigh standing up.
"I'll see you soon baby, I love you soo much don't cry" I tell her as I wrap my arms around her kissing her repeatedly.
"I love you to baby so soo much" she says and a tear fall down her cheek and I kiss it away holding her tight to me.
"I'll try call you later before I get locked in. I'll miss you beautiful I got all 20 letters and I read them all. I will reply to them all. I love you my queen Stacey Johnson Always and Forever" I tell her smiling down at her beautiful teary eyes to be fucking leaving me.
"Thank you baby you mean the world to me do you know that? I love you too Always and Forever" she says and kisses me like no one else is in the room. I groan and grab her ass. Fuck!
Pulling apart she looks into my eyes
"I'll be thinking of you tonight" she whisper into my ear then looks at my hard dick then back up to face me biting her lip.
"So will I beautiful I promise, soon as I get back actually" I tell her then shiver thinking about the dirty nosh I'm gonna have cumming over her. Fuck!
"I love you baby, I'll see you soon" I tell her as we pull apart and I have to go. I don't want to leave her.. Again it gets harder each time.
"I love you baby, bye handsome" she says running her hand through my hair and down my cheek smiling. I guess she doesn't mind the hair. I walk away from her..
I can't stop thinking of her in that fucking outfit and the fucking garter belt. Shit! This is gonna be fun..

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