Chapter 126

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Walking out the prison with my head held high feeling proud of accomplishing alot of things in there. I just miss him already and I'm proud of myself for trying to live my life like I promised him. Feeling my phones vibration I pull it out and see Steve flash on my screen..
"Hi Steve" I say happily walking over to my car.
"You sound happy, I take it everything went good with Liam? He asks me
"Great, but now I need to throw myself into the bakery before I cry and swallow up again because I miss him already" I tell him seriously climbing into my car.
"I have a surprise for you, meet me at your house" he says to me and I get excited.
"Oh my god, I'm on my way" I tell him hanging up to him laughing at me.

Arriving back home I jump out my car and open my front door. Running up stairs I look myself over and I still look OK.
Applying more gloss I grab my purse and head downstairs.

Checking my phone I text Steve.

Stacey: I'm home.. Where are you? X

Hitting send I received a text back quick

Steve: Outside sweetheart, come on! X

Running out the door I see him and climb into the Bently. Whao. What's happening?
"Let's go, it's a good thing don't worry" he says with a smile.
"So how was Liam?" he asks me glancing my way then back at the road.
"He's really good actually, something positive about him" I tell him happily looking around to see where we're going.
"Well I'm glad to hear that, do you know where we're going yet?" he asks me seeing me look around. My bakerys around here somewhere..
"I think so but I'm not sure" I say looking back at him and he nods towards the right as we round a corner and I see my shop. Getting excited I take my seat belt off as soon as he parks up across the street and jump out giddy. Looking before I cross, I run across the road and wait for Steve.
"Close your eyes sweetheart" he says and I do it just to get it over with and he grabs my hand guiding me in.
"Are you ready to see your new bakery sweet heart" he says and I nod my head eagerly clapping excitedly.
"Open your eyes" he says and I blink opening them and look around amazed

"Open your eyes" he says and I blink opening them and look around amazed

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"Wow I feel, speechless" I tell him spinning looking at everything. It's cute and girly and I love it!
"Thank you soo much Steve, I love it" I tell him feeling emotional. He's been more of a dad to me than my own. He's done alot for me.. Us. I could never replay him because he's priceless.
"It's OK sweetheart, you deserve it" he says and hugs me. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Hi babes, I love the shop, its so you. I'm proud of how far you've come, on top of everything your going through aswell" Sian says as she walks up to me and hugs me tightly she is a proper best friend and behaves like one to. Plus she's still dating Kai.
"Thank you for coming babes, where's Kai I thought he'd be with you" I ask her as there normally joined at the hip when she's not at work.
"He's on his way" she tells me and I hope he comes alone.. Victor's actually left me alone since that night he threaten me. Then took it back.. I don't know anymore..
I nod with a smile at her and glance around my very own bakery. All fucking mine!

After looking around the bakery and everyone leaves I make my way upstairs secretly checking out the apartment I want to do this part alone because I know what I'm looking for within my budget not someone elses. Everyone's done alot and it's time to stand on my own two feet.
Knocking on the door I hear foot steps on the inside approaching and the door opens.
"Miss Bloom, nice to see you again. Come in" Mr Taylor says and I follow him inside smiling. Looking around the apartment I run my hand across the back of the sofa loving everything.
"Does it come furnished?" I ask him with a smile looking back.
"It can be, if that's what you need" he says nodding and I grin so happy I don't have to do that part because I love it how it is.
"Yeah, I'll take it, everything!" I exclaim happily and he chuckles at me..
"I'm so happy you said that, your going to love it here. I just need you to sign the paperwork then you'll get the keys and you can move in when you're ready too" he says grinning and I feel euphoric. I'm staying here tonight it's already late so why not.
"Thanks again Mr Taylor," I tell him escorting him out.
"Your very welcome it's officially yours" he says and exits the door.

Walking into one of the bedrooms I know it's going to be my main room and look around loving the coziness.

Kicking my shoes off and hanging my coat on the hooks behind the door, I empty my purse onto the bed looking for my phone that's ringing

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Kicking my shoes off and hanging my coat on the hooks behind the door, I empty my purse onto the bed looking for my phone that's ringing.
"Hello" I quickly answer before it cuts off.
"Baby, you OK?" Liam asks suddenly and I giggle.
"Yeah I couldn't find my phone in my purse, sorry baby how are you?" I ask him sitting on the bed up against the head board.
"I'm better now I'm talking to you, it was amazing to see you today baby, I missed you as soon as I let you go" he says and my heart melts.
"I love that you can read my mind baby" I tell him and he chuckles and I know he's smiling.
"I do try beautiful" he tells me making me smile.
"I have something else to tell you. I just bought my own apartment I'm so happy I could tell you first, again. Always perfect timing for my good news." I tell him standing up and taking off my clothes.
"If your getting undressed I will die after your teasing earlier" he says and I chuckle and slowly rub my hand over my swollen cleft.
"I need to hear you while I do it" I tell him and slide two fingers inside myself collecting my juices and swirling them around my clit.
"Fuck baby, sounds so sexy keep going" he tells me in a low deep voice and I hum moaning.
"Liam, I need you" I whimper and he groans that was near enough a growl that brings me to the edge of my orgasm.
"FUCK, that was hot" I tell him rubbing faster and I cry out. I spread my legs wider and rub my ckit in circles getting faster as I her him groaning more. I feel my climax building quickly and I let go.
"Babyyy! Yess" I cry out and he actually roars out as my legs shake through my orgasm.
Grabbing the baby wipes I take off my underwear and wipe myself until I have a shower.
"Well I enjoyed hearing you beautiful, you've been full of surprises today" he says and groans again clearly thinking alsorts.
"Your welcome baby, it's your treasure after all" I tell him happily thinking positivity is looking good on me.
"I love you Stacey Johnson Always and Forever" he says and I know he's going now. Tell tale sign..
"I love you too baby, I hope I get a visit soon I need to see you as much as possible. I'll go crazy" I tell him being serious and he chuckles.
"Another week I think, I'll let you know baby, be safe and keep being happy beautiful, you deserve it, bye" and I can't help the stray tear that falls down my face.
"OK baby, I love you lots, bye" I tell him and we hang up.
To the end am gonna ride with you Liam Johnson. I love you to much to give up. I say to myself and sigh laying down curling up to a fluffy pillow I feel myself drift of to sleep.

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