Chapter 127 Liam's POV

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After another shitty nights sleep. I'm struggling without my queen.. But she's happy and thriving I tell myself. That's what she deserves. I love her more than enough to let her have that. I can't be selfish with her even though I really want to.
Today's like any other day. Everydays like being in a jungle, anything could happen. I'm constantly on guard for my life. Relaxing will get me killed. Literally..
"Breakfast time Johnson" a guard calls banging on my door and I think fuck I can be bothered with this shit today but I need to eat. I can't get her screaming my name down the phone lastnight of my mind. I need her..
Walking out my cell I stay vigilant and make my way to the dining hall just observing my surroundings hoping no one starts because I'm in no mood.
Standing in the line holding my tray I see some one I didn't want to and I sigh heavily. And the day begins..
Soo.. I'm standing there and I just feel him staring at me walking straight at me. Fuck sake man.. What do I do?
"Johnson, let's go" he says coming in with his hands up ready to swing at me. Fuck I swing my tray into his face and land a perfect left hook, knocking him the fuck out. The next thing I know I'm being grabbed by the guards and pushed and pinned against the wall with my arms behind my back. So not my morning.. I miss my spliff, and my queen with her amazing breakfasts.. Sighing am dragged out and back down the hole.. More isolation for me. This is gonna be fun I thought rolling my eyes.

Siting on the concrete floor I think how the fuck did I end up here when he started it. Some joke this shit place is.
I need to stay focused and keep my mind busy. I decide to work out doing a few sit ups then push ups til I can't feel my arms and I drop on my face panting heavily. Fuck..
I think about what my queen would be doing right now and smile knowing she'd be baking away ready to open up. So the thought of her standing there in her element with that beautiful smile on her face makes me feel better some how. If she can't have me she'll have everything else she wants or needs. I will guarantee that for her.

I can't wait for the day she walks down the aisle to me in her beautiful dress, it will be perfect because everything is when I'm with her. Nothing else matters it's just us. And I happily allow myself to get lost in her for hours, thinking about Paris and the folders contents. I'll never be happy with anybody but her. There's just something about her. I just feel incomplete and better with her. Because all I need is her love.
I think about her leading me to the pool in the mansion the first time we had sex again and my dick stats to grow, I think about how tight and perfect my treasure is and how happy I felt to be finally home. Fuck. My dicks rock hard and I pull it out and slowly imagine my baby teasing me the night we played truth or dare playing with herself. Forcing me to watch, that turned me on so much as much as it is now.
Then I tasted her. Fuck she tasted herself. I build up the speed with my strokes thinking about what happened next when I took out my dick and rubbed it across her lips and she couldn't help herself from there because she dared me not to put it in her mouth and I failed.. Miserably like she knew I would. But she sucked it if only for a few times but fuck the way she winked at me made me lose my fucking mind.
"FUCK!" I grit out suddenly cumming hard, lost in the moment of us.
I clean myself up and sit back down hoping to get out of here soon.

"Johnson, your heading back to your cell, no more of that behaviour otherwise you'll be down here for a month" The Governor says opening the door and looking at me.
"Understood" I tell him and walk up behind him.

After having a shower being watched by a guard I quickly wash off the sweat and dry wrapping the towel around my body. He leads me back to my cell and I pull on my sweats and lay down starving. And then I think of my baby's cooking and my mouth salivates. I smile wide thinking she's perfect in all ways. How could she honestly love someone like me.

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