January Lover

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You broke my heart,
And I'll be damned if I ever run back to you.
You made me cry,
And I am so confused.
You took my breath away.
You made me speechless.
I put my trust in you.
I put my guard down.
You broke down the walls I built,
But caused me to build them higher.
I've never been the same since-
A shattered heart does that to you.

How could you do that to me?
How could you be so cruel?
I was just too innocent.
Maybe too naive.
You are the big bad wolf,
And you captured me.
I still think about you all the time.
So many things remind me of you.
It's so scary.
Will I ever recover?
It's been more than a year.
Maybe I'm just weak.
Please release your hold on me.

I loved you but I had to let you go.
The things you said stabbed at my precious heart.
I still don't understand.
You told me you loved me too,
But I don't believe you know what love is.
Love is not how you treated me.
You took advantage of me.
You knew exactly what you were doing.
The guilt that overtook me was unbearable.
And then I knew-
I could no longer be with you.

January LoverWhere stories live. Discover now