Chapter1: Bloody hands

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Waking up in a blacked-out apartment is the morning life that I have in my dreams and then to have the jobs I do to be the ones of from storybooks that are held by teens is the springing that hops my feet up in the morning. My life has been the hard work and sweat from my blood but it was worth it with the highs of being the well-known name in my business and to have the achievements get me to have a diamond-like this .... . With the wind blowing in the black curtains to show the glimpse of light passing by to show the awakening of my morning as the wait of my body sending the call of movement and the sight of my fan slowly moving like the life of it was slowly draining out because of the morning light. As my thoughts restarted the movement of my other was sensed to next I look over at my angel of an innocent, harmless to the eye, a male of a dream of a boyfriend; with the touch heavy breeze blowing his eyelashes to the side and making the peaceful sight awaken and reveal my regular morning "hello my lovely motherfucker of a boyfriend" to which I reply " the splendid morning rips me from you shitty stained pig smelling clothes my bee bum sting~" the long thought of Micky's reply ended in him saying before a quick kiss " oh I love you my devil's asshole!~". 

Begin ripped out of the warm heaven that was laying on my bed of nested twigs with the morning stretches and the equipping of weapons for daily caution and the job to then look over at the bed again and see my bee bum not there but replaced with a skeleton of sadness and shadows gave me the plain look but not for long cause the warm again impasse of mickey with his voice stays at the calm, peaceful tone of reassuring gods "hey, hey, hey babe calm down it's just a hallucination remember .... all you need to do is to take your meds then you'll be ok and they'll go away ok.." the sweet voice dripped down to my ear like a honey-sweet tea pouring down the throats of the calm. I  took a breath and looked over at him and smiled a bit which was a rare sight for even me but he was my rare thing so one plus one equals two. Picking up any spare blades have been found lying around to then stash them in any possible place in the case of a break-in. the time to get ready and out of this haven was nearing so I pick up my mouse with a rats ass and carry him out the door to which he then locks it having had the practice from the days before today where I have done this as another route of mine in the morning of today.     

The steps of my feet racing across the ground floor of our work was my way of the entrance of me and the announcement that I had arrived (my colleagues were used to this arrival by now) I got a couple of waves from some people as the rushing of my body was going by and the few eyes roll from the ones who had been without the fun mind of mine. 

With the first destination being my bubble butt fuckers desk I raced over there to get my work started and to end their rushed carry; with a plop, they landed down and gave me a quick little peck on the cheek as I rushed off like a cartoon character in a flustered rush, with their face begins the reddest tomato to ever be seen. My fast flash like legs speeds over to my table full of my chaotic mess of work and set-up style. The messed up worksheets that I print out every Friday for my free time amusement that I just love doing in my free time but first before I could sit down like the depressed future picture of me I would have to ask my boss Mr Leo Pielearo the main man of my money paying job if he had any requests or little side sites that I would be spending time of fun killing on. 

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